Title Me Here Please
It begins or ends now or then
Title me here please
A song or poem to decide
By each passer-by
None ever sends a reply.
And now here I am
In this twitter space
Engulfed and pleading my case
To never be alone again
As long as you bend an ear
I am here
A friend.
Like a book you can read cover to cover
Meanings to discover
Or backwards if it pleases
It is a life in misdirection
A hypocritical dream...
So you found me here
Stuck in my muddied mess
Trying so hard not to confess
A role in this worldly shame
Moves and counter moves
A game...
To a friend in a car in a driving rain
Stuck in traffic trying to ease her pain
Found a voice in a crowd sharing a lane
To Neverland again.
And I fell like a passer-by
From a cloud in a lonesome sky
Finding earth and wondering why
Like a tear from heaven
You came into my life...
D.A. Wittler 15'