Saturday, December 31, 2016

When You See

Wrote this tonight after watching a movie titled: The Sea of Trees. It's not a great movie, but you have to pay attention, and pick out the gold amongst the rubble. Enjoy.

Sea of Trees

I lose myself
In a sea of trees
Not knowing where
Life is taking me
And I don't know
Why I keep going
Because the hurt inside
Tells me to give up trying
Even though faith is here
And God is there
Waiting on the other side
To give meaning
To my suffering.

I must continue venturing
And find a way
A path to happiness
Because even though
My loss is great
And darkness falls
Loved ones are closest
Giving clues
Blooming like flowers
Just beyond the trail
And life must go on
For beauty's sake.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Friday, December 23, 2016

Passing Seasons of the Harvest

Sunlight and Shadow

We all know what it means
To walk in sunlight
Like summer
With it's radiant beams
And to slumber in darkness
Like twilight
Resting amongst our dreams
Knowing tomorrow leaves promises
In steady flowing streams.
And so we were given parents
To see us through
Into this world  of seasons
Both warm and cold
With their storms and strife
Comfort and delight
In which to become ourselves
And yet reflections still
Of those who raised us up
Like humble servants
Among the fields
Tilling earth and planting seeds
Nurturing and watchful
While a bountiful harvest yields
Another generation.
And what do we draw from

When they are gone
And we have passed from sunlight
 to shadow
In mourning of their passing?
We draw from that harvest
Those lessons learned
Those memories earned
And continue on
Doing likewise in return
For parents never really leave us
They are merely reborn
Into the same sunlight
And shadow
We have known all along

In smiles and giggles
Frowns and cries
Of children
Who become our reflections
And so the seasons renew themselves

And God sees us through
To our own passing.
D.A. Wittler 16'

Monday, December 19, 2016

In Retrospect, For The Sake Of Love

A few thoughts as I take a moment to review the past year in preparation for another as we all must do from time to time. And what have I learned through my failures, and what have I gained in retrospect by these musings? Only God, and time will prove. And so I thank my friend Jen for posting these concepts of human relationship. Here goes folks, hold on tight... it might be a bumpy ride for some. Here goes:

Much is embodied in these three words, but unfortunately many do not pause to consider what they entail.
Honesty, not only about the what for and where to,  but the how much , and how far you are willing to go to love a person. The standard for most successful relationships that result in marriage is "till death do us part."
Loyal, to the concept of staying close by, and being present in mind, body, and spirit to that one person who captures your smile, your eye, and your heart with everything you desire in a soulmate.
And finally, faithful to the integrity of exclusivity; that one person is your high ground that you would rather die for than allow anyone or anything to come between you, and the bond of mind, body, and spirit that was formed from the instant of your union.
Sound scary? Well, for more than fifty percent of marriages, this is an understatement because so few can make that commitment in these modern times. I say God bless you if you can find such a person who can take on such an incredibly humbling, and self sacrificing pledge that three simple words on a wall can conjure in the mind of a human being. Peace, and love.


Monday, December 12, 2016

A Christmas Gift

A Poet's Christmas

Before an old clock tower
Sun has set
Lights come on
Bells toll the six o'clock hour
Alone again
Christmas carols
Ring out into silent silent night
For believers
A world gathers in anticipation
For the less fortunate
Hope clings precariously
Upon the precipice of ruin
While ignorance spouts a doubtful hymn
And man continues his lonesome march
Towards realms of compassion, and sin
Coexisting in childhood-like dreams
Of sugar plum fairies, and drudgery
And among them there are poets
Dreamers of a bygone era
Whose only wish is peace
And good will to all.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

For Better Or Worse...

From December 6th, 2012; my own version of "D Day."
You know the old cliché: “This is the first day of the rest of your life.” Well, a morning in court will bring a lot of things to the surface, especially when it comes to a long relationship that ends with so much emotional energy tied to it. I hate to call it baggage, but we carry so much around inside of ourselves from the time we are born to the present day that it is inevitable that snags and snares come along to test our mettle and push us reluctantly in a new direction. Today is definitely one of those life changing days.

I paraphrase a song from church:

“Come back to me, with all your heart; don’t let the past, keep us apart. Long have I waited for your coming back to live joyfully our new life.”

I don’t know why these lyrics came to me, but for some reason they say so much about the relationships we have with each other and with our creator god. Yes, there are tumultuous times that come along like a storm or natural disaster, but in the aftermath we find hope in the things that make us who we are; faith, family and friends. I embrace these anchors of strength today as I turn forward away from the wind and rain of the maelstrom and embrace the love of creation that surrounds me. I look to the wooded path and the glass-like calm of a silent lake in solitude and in hope for better days ahead. I put away the anger and frustration of misunderstanding and the hurt that resulted from its insidious nature. I pray for peace of mind and the energy to rebuild something new from out of the ashes. The flood waters have receded and the dawn breaks with sunlight to guide to a new horizon of opportunity.

I once felt so apart from the world that it made me blind to the views of others, especially to the one who stole my heart and made me whole, but now I must let go of this and be like the reed which bends to the will of the wind. As Reinhold Niebuhr so eloquently states in his well known prayer; “God, grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change what I can and wisdom to know the difference.” I hope that today finds you well fed, well loved and full of the many blessings that our creator so wants for each of us to possess in life. For better or worse, let tomorrow be brighter than today and may God bless you with abundance of joy. Amen.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

A Thanksgiving Prayer

Let us give thanks
To our fathers
Who gave us hands
for work
To our mothers
Who gave us hearts
for love
To God
Who gave us each a soul
for giving
and life eternal.

For callouses and crosses
Roses and kisses
Gifts and challenges
To help us grow
Cultivate and harvest
As the banquet of our labor
Now before us shows
We give our thanks.

For those who have passed
From this life
And those now present
We pray and hope
To share again and share alike
For food, for friends, for life
And those who serve
Let us give thanks.
In Jesus name we pray.
A blessed, safe, and joyous Thanksgiving to all!

Monday, November 21, 2016

In Those Quiet Brief Hours

The following is an excerpt from The Roll Top, a work of fiction I am in the process of writing. I hope you find it interesting. Like a romantic relationship, it has been both a love affair, and a test of will to see if it can succeed, or be left to wither on the vine like a former marriage.

In those quiet brief hours when dawn creates the illusion of a new day, the whole house seemed to breath a huge sigh of relief as the stress, and strain of a life lived in brief vignettes gives way to the only form of peace available, unconsciousness. Mother seemed to be the only inhabitant oblivious to the nightmares of loss, conviction, and longings of a son eager to claim his place upon the family mantel. Her only concerns were caring for those closest to her, and maintaining the semblance of a life she had known before all of the insanity began. Her strength came from the fact that faith in higher things overcomes all, carries on in spite of, and triumphs over evil. In her silent ways a household remains a safe haven, and a hope for those wanting desperately to come home again. Acceptance, and approval are mere testaments to the stubbornness of human beings placed in extraordinary circumstances. Life, in all its precious sates of mind, is based on love, and belief in something bigger than oneself. That no matter what, man can overcome when he does not cower inside himself, but rather, reaches up, and grasps the divine. Somehow, in those precious few moments, life returned to normal, but to Rosemary McBride, the heart of the matter lie in her ability to keep her family together as best she could, that no mater what, she would be there to bind all wounds, and keep the home-fires burning brightly; for there is nothing more profound in this world than a mother's love, and a God who inspires his children to be more than the sum of their earthly selves, to overcome any foe for freedom' s sake. In the end, that is all that matters when man has destroyed a place not meant for his eternal home.  

I Knew A Young Man

A Few Thoughts: I knew a young man once who impressed me as bright, intelligent, and mature. He could pen a story that would capture your imagination, and he could carry on a good coherent conversational. And then he grew up, pursued an education, found a profession, or two, and settled in to life as a cynical, bitter, and angry idealist.
One thing I have learned about life is that you must feed the soul. Like a garden it needs nurturing, water, and sunshine to grow. If left unattended, it will wither on the vine, and die. The problem with putting your faith in the idealism of the world is that human nature takes over. The choice becomes  whether you want to live like the human animal or the human being. The human animal simply responds to stimuli in its environment whereas the human being resorts to the soul to discern where to go. Like Steve Rogers, ninety pound weakling, or Captain America, super hero. As for me, I prefer the super hero standing on the ground of faith than cowering on the fiction of a world gone mad.
God bless.

Friday, November 4, 2016

To Practice What I Preach

A few thoughts:
I watched a good man give an acceptance speech, and I thought to myself: "Why the hell do I keep beating myself over the head for simply being a flawed human being?" I know I can't help myself sometimes, but I fall from grace when I try to go it alone, or when I condemn another for the same reasons I criticize myself. So then I know I must change the question, if another outcome is my desire.
Heroes are for comic books, or so we are to assume by the pictures on a movie screen, but we are the true heroes of our time, if we but look beyond the limits of our feeble minds. Now, I cannot bring myself to looking ten years down the line, when I have all I need to overcome today in the here, and now. And like that little engine that could, I rise each day, and look up to that hilltop, and prepare myself to shine, knowing life is all down hill on the other side. So I must make the best of today because I grow stronger with each mile I climb! Now, to practice what I preach.
Amen and God bless.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

A Few Thoughts

Ever notice how frustrated people dwell on their frustrations? It is the beginning, and ending to every conversation, the focus of every joke, pun, and salutation. Enter a room, and it smacks you in the face. Leave the room, and it hits you on the ass like a broom. Text it, share it, creep someone's page, if you choose. Then, use it as sarcasm to build up their rage, or simply remind them to chill, like a wise old sage. Whatever the reason, for whatever cause, remember this: Our frustrations are there to tell us a thing or two, that maybe our frustration is a mere obsession that we need to take to bed with us, to sleep on, and forget about so we can move on with life in good humor, without all the drama, without doing any harm to those we care about most. Because even though we know intimate details about each other, and we use sarcasm as a means to cope; sometimes it is the comment left unspoken that heals the deepest wounds. 
Amen, and God bless.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Moving On

Early Morning Yesterday

It was early
I was up late
Thinking of a better day
A better way
To show the love of my life
Just how I feel
And there alone
Walking on sand
Quiet shoreline
Found my voice
Circle in the sand
Gold wedding band
Pawned years ago
And it occurred to me
What a fool I had been
But that was then
This is now
And somehow I understand
Life is like water
You never step again
Where you were before
Because life is like that
You can never go back 
But it sure is nice
To find a reason
To live again.

Early morning yesterday
Where do you stand
Lonely man
Broken soul
Picking up pieces
Like grains of sand
On a lost shoreline
Or moving on
Believing in hope
For a better way
To live again.

Moonlight in my mind
Reflection of a time
Shadows through the trees
Oh honey please
Walk with me
And see where we've been
Seems a million years ago
Many miles behind us now
Children grown
Standing on their own
We made it happen
And that's all that matters
No more regrets
No more broken promises
Just life moving on
Like you and me
On opposite shores
Dreaming again.

Early morning yesterday
Where do you stand
Lonely man
Broken soul
Picking up pieces
Like grains of sand
On a lost shoreline
Or moving on
Believing in hope
For a better way
To live again.

Early morning comes
Put my dreams to sleep
At least for a moment
With the rising sun
Hope in a field
Wet grass under my feet
Dog barking in a back yard
Simple things to bring me back
To a life in balance
Put that shoreline behind
For another time
Early morning yesterday.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Thursday, October 13, 2016

A few thoughts: It is no surprise that I have had this crazy dream of writing a book, and so, after another five years has gone by, I picked up where I left off. Eighteen pages already finished, and tonight, 859 words closer towards "The Goal. " I thought to keep this under wraps, but why cover it up with a bushel basket, right? Perhaps this is finally where I get off this insane merry-go-round, and start living the life I was meant to. As time goes on, I hope to know where this is going... Your words, and prayers are greatly appreciated. And so, a little teaser.

God Bless

In those quiet brief hours when dawn creates the illusion of a new day, the whole house seemed to breath a huge sigh of relief as the stress, and strain of a life lived in brief vignettes gives way to the only form of peace available, unconsciousness. Mother seemed to be the only inhabitant oblivious to the nightmares of loss, conviction, and longings of a son eager to claim his place upon the family mantel. Her only concerns were caring for those closest to her, and maintaining the semblance of a life she had known before all of the insanity began. Her strength came from the fact that faith in higher things overcomes all, carries on in spite of, and triumphs over evil. In her silent ways a household remains a safe haven, and a hope for those wanting desperately to come home again. Acceptance, and approval are mere testaments to the stubbornness of human beings placed in extraordinary circumstances. Life, in all its precious sates of mind, is based on love, and belief in something bigger than oneself. That no matter what, man can overcome when he does not cower inside himself, but rather, reaches up, and grasps the divine. Somehow, in those precious few moments, life returned to normal, but to Rosemary McBride, the heart of the matter lie in her ability to keep her family together as best she could, that no mater what, she would be there to bind all wounds, and keep the home-fires burning brightly; for there is nothing more profound in this world than a mother's love, and a God who inspires his children to be more than the sum of their earthly selves, to overcome any foe for freedom' s sake. In the end, that is all that matters when man has destroyed a place not meant for his eternal home.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Stick In The Mud

I wrote this on a mere whim a few days ago, and I cannot remember where I heard something very similar. At first I signed it anonymous, but if anyone can identify another source, please let me know. Maybe it is one of those things I have needed to express for a long time, and finally found the words to express. In any case, God bless.

Move On

I have been

And sometimes am
That stick in the mud
You know the one
Who can't seem to move on
So the best thing to do
Is to proceed with caution
Always to strive for one more mile
And with each step you take
One more heart ache is left behind
One more wound is healed
One more possibly can be reached 
And one less tear that needs wiped away
For there is nothing greater than a true friend
No God mightier than a Savior
And no effort worth it's stride
Without a goal in mind.

D.A. Wittler 16'

A View from a Blog, or a Dog That Is:

A few thoughts:
So I saw this poor dog chained up in the back yard of someone's home this morning. He looked not much older than a pup, and he had dug himself a hole to lay in, perhaps to provide some kind of security, or warmth from the approaching winter cold.
As I stood not far away, I wanted so badly to run over and give him a pat on the head, and tell him how much I would love to set him free, and take him home with me, but I didn't. You see, he kept staring at me, and then he would look to the house as if to say, "I'm still here, and waiting patiently for a little of your time and attention." I knew that eventually someone would come out and check on him as he appeared well taken care, except for the tie out that is.
Today, as I face some pretty tough situations, especially financially etc, I keep looking up towards "the big house," like that poor pup, and wonder if someone is looking out for me. I struggle to find comfort, and fight the urge to dig a hole to lie in my own self pity, but I keep looking up knowing things aren't really as bad as I think they are. Now I know why DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
Keep the faith my friends, we may feel all tied up sometimes, but eventually we are set free; it is all in how we must keep looking up, and realizing that we are truly looked after, and cared for in a way we cannot see or feel in our human form. Don't give up, never give in!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Soldier On

A few thoughts:
Sitting in the rain at a high school football game can conjure a variety of thoughts, especially if you cannot seem to concentrate on what is happening on the field. I was thankful for pregame festivities, and a great half time show on Friday night, they brought back many fond memories, and some not so great. I tried capturing the experience in this piece. God bless.
Soldier On
Once a soldier
Always a soldier
At least that is what they say
Once a father
Always a father
As I am today
But a husband
Not always true
A whole different thing
It can all change
Like a suit of clothes
One day well dressed
Another in chains
From a past you can't change.

So where does one go
When it's all gone
The love
The home
The relationship?
How to move on
How to live again
How to mend
I don't know
Except to soldier on
Father on
Be a friend.

But my mind isn't quite right
My soul some times low
Body moving slow
Thoughts so confused 
Sleepless nights
Even God seems far away
As I pray 
Answers will come
But I survive till then
So I know the outcome
Will be OK
As long
As I soldier on.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Autumn Knows My Name

I wrote this just after I woke up this morning. I don't mean to dwell on the past, but today use to be an important anniversary, now it is just another date on the calendar. And so, here's to twenty three years ago, and miles I have traveled since then.

God Bless

Autumn Knows My Name

Sunshine decided not to show today
Rain poured down upon my weary soul
As last days of Summer have already closed
Reminding me not to cling to things like hope
But to keep on traveling down that road
Where who knows where you'll find me
And God keeps watch on my tired shadow
In midstream of my dreams that flow
Like a river long and old.

Autumn knows my name
In a lonesome refrain
Oh song of sorrows
Keep me safe
From this pouring rain
So I can live again.

Oh how do I know
Sun is gonna shine again
By light of a silver lining
Renewed in me by twilight
And friendship gathers like a boat
To rescue me from my selfish grope
To find meaning in a song
That echoes deep within
Forever haunting me like Halloween
Down lonesome cornrows
It feels my desire in Spring
And ends my question in a cold northwest wind
Autumn knows my name.

Autumn knows my name
In a lonesome refrain
Oh song of sorrows
Keep me safe
From this pouring rain
So I can live again.

Quiet morning slumber
Wide awake to Sunday chime
Call to worship time
In a tall cathedral spire
Clothed in my finest attire
Not sure I'll even go
Oh, I've got to finish what I started
Back when
In praise through thanksgiving
I hear him calling
Autumn knows my name.

Autumn knows my name
In a lonesome refrain
Oh song of sorrows
Keep me safe
From this pouring rain
So I can live again.

D. A. Wittler 16'

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

For those who disrespect our nation's symbol, who think that because we are a flawed people, that it is acceptable to behave as ignorant adults before our innocent children who watch, and wonder; a few thoughts:

More Than Stars and Stripes

We are people
Standing for freedom
And we are more than stars
Beneath a blue sky
More than flesh
Red blooded Americans
Scanning a hopeful horizon
Principled, disciplined by hard work
Tempered in fire.

We bare our stripes
Inspired by hope
Through fire and smoke
We have overcome
To see more clearly
A shining city on a hill
A white canvass
On which purity holds us bound
To higher moral ground
Than any nation ever found
On earth.

We kneel before no man
And bow before one God
Under heaven
Where all life is precious
And justice for all
Leads us from oppression's call
To serve a greater cause
Than mere mortal man can fathom
In pursuit of vain glory.

And so we remain united
One nation
Under God
For as long as mercy
And love
Can endure
And we are more
Than stars and stripes
To be disregarded
Like second hand garb
For we are all one people
Firm on shores of freedom.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Night Rain

Last evening a storm passed through in the wee hours of the morning. I found myeslf closing windows and quietly listening as a gentle breeze gave a first hint of rain. My thoughts were turned to  high school friends who lost parents quite recently. Now, perhaps it is my compasionate side that takes over at times like these, or maybe it is the spirit within which calls me to share some kind of solice for those who experience such loss in their lives. Whatever the case may be, I offer you a glimpse of my world at Witt's Den.   
And now, a first draft perhaps...for those who grieve. For all who still remember 9/11 as well.
 God Bless

Night Rain

Like comfort food
It calms me
Gentle as a touch
A respite from my labors
Whispers in the night
Soothing parched lips
Like a kiss from a lover
A call to slumber
Tears of joy from heaven
Washes away all sorrow
As I dream of tomorrow
Embraced by dawn
We are together once again
Savior and sinner
Cleansed in splendor
Longing of men
Like thunder rolling
Fog of morning undone
Our freedom he has won
As tears from heaven fall
In answer to this call
Forgiveness comes.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Monday, August 22, 2016

Carousel Horses

When carousel horses
Come to life
You dream
You live a child's imagination
Fleeing adult captivity
Freeing possibility
To where anything can be.

My Mother rides
Round and round
Upon her ivory steed
Never stopping
A distant memory recounted
But if you ask her
Where she's gone
She cannot remember
It was some time ago
When pages turned
And stories told
Were all the rage
A child could know
Now cobwebs form
And dust settles from a storm
Like snowflakes on the lawn.

When carousel horses
Come to life
You dream
You live a child's imagination
Fleeing adult captivity
Freeing possibility
To where anything can be.

Sleeping, sleeping
Another world awakens
carousel horses sing
Their whinnying pronounces
A holiday from the king
"Go and roam
No pasture fences
To keep us in
Freedom, freedom
From within!"

And Mother's face cringes
Her curiosity turned to confusion
A ticking clock announces
Hours with a chime
Without reason.

When carousel horses
Come to life
You dream
You live a child's imagination
Fleeing adult captivity
Freeing possibility
To where anything can be.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Saturday, August 13, 2016

From: My Summer of 81

I came across an old journal from the summer after I graduated from high school in 1981. It expresses many hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Some have been fulfilled while others were never meant to be. I hope you enjoy this short excerpt:

A man sat down upon the cold grey steps that led to sorrow, and pain; his heart lay heavy within his chest, and nothing could possibly reach him in the abysss of grief he had fallen into. A tear had formed in the corner of his eye, and ran slowly down his cheek, and fell to the steps with a silent patter. He looked up, and I could tell that he was staring at me through the dark black circles around his eyes, and somehow I knew he was grieving for me. I walked over to him, helped him to his feet, brushed off his clothing, and gave him some money for a bite to eat. He said, "Thank you," and disapeared as if he had never been there at all.

I wonder today if this was all just a dream from a past as uncertain then as the future is now. I really had no clue at the time where I was headed except that I gave the power of my future over to Uncle Sam to decide for the next four years. It still haunts me to imagine how things would have been different if I had not decided to procrastinate, and go out into the world under my own power. Was this man a future projection of the man I am today? Could it be that my insight then was as keen as it is today, or was I merely mired in self doubt as any young high school graduate about to be faced with the reality of self determination, and adult responsiblity?
For whatever it is worth, pay attention to your dreams, but do not get too caught up in meaning as some things are just reflections, or impresssions, while others give but a glimpse of what might be headed your way. For me today, it is quite prophetic to know the gift of insight is inborn, and who can afford not to take a moment to consider the possibilities? If I could go back to that time thirty five years ago, and be that man, I would have plenty to say... but that is for another day.

God Bless


Sunday, July 31, 2016

From The Heart of the Storm

Words to make your day:
I was down at my folk's house today checking things out since we are planning to sell it or rent it out, and I came across a book my cousin Tina Calvelage Searcy wrote before she passed away some years ago. The irony of the situation is that her brother Rick popped up on my fb page with a friend request yesterday.
Now I know my faith is being strengthened and reaffirmed by the struggles and storms that have plagued my life these past three years. From the Heart of the Storm is a chronical of Tina's battle with cancer while pregnant with her third child. Having lost one child prior to this, and the realization of how God works so mysteriously in our lives, she was able to endure and make the ultimate sacrifice.
Needless to say, as I read the introduction, and read her conclusion, I was moved in such a way that brought me to one knee and tears to my eyes. If there is one thing I have learned over the years it is that God does not place obstacles in our path, we do that to ourselves by limiting our vision of what we can and cannot do in life. We all have choices to make that either keep us enveloped in the heart of the storm or leads us out into the sunshine where a rainbow greets us with a reassurance that God will always be there to show us the way.
With that being said, let not your hearts be troubled, as Christ taught us to trust in his cross, and to never be afraid to take up our burdens daily, and follow in his footsteps. There is always hope amidst the tribulation, and such joy in knowing we do not live in vain. Now, there is work to be done... God bless!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

To My Long Lost June

I left June in a cloud of summer dust not knowing when I would return to continue the quest of this blog; to entertain, educate, and inspire those who follow. With July now upon us and the dog days of August waiting for an opportunity to reveal  what it has in store, let us journey some more together. And so, here's to my long lost June.To faded glory of relationship. To dreams of happier days ahead, and to our heroes who save us from falling into the flames of our self destruction; whether it be a significant other,  friendship, or the love of God.

God Bless

For Paula:

Falling In The Fire

Lying there in darkness
Holding on to something
Left behind long ago
It's a lonely feeling
Leaves a coldness
Deep down in your soul
Wondering if you'll be
Saved by a hero
Left falling in the fire.

Once upon a time
Is all you've ever known
But life isn't like that
When rain muddies your path
And you wonder where's your hero
There to catch you
When you're falling in the fire
Or just dreaming of tomorrow.

So in silence you go
Bitter with a wounded heart
And no one seems to know how you're feeling
Falling in the fire
But your soul yearns to rise
Out of ashes
Burning embers of hope
For tomorrow.

But tomorrow never comes
And today only lingers
Like a mythical creature
Waiting to carry you home
And God only knows
Who will save you
A hero
From falling in the fire
Or a sunrise renewed with hope.

D.A Wittler 16'