Sunday, September 25, 2016

Autumn Knows My Name

I wrote this just after I woke up this morning. I don't mean to dwell on the past, but today use to be an important anniversary, now it is just another date on the calendar. And so, here's to twenty three years ago, and miles I have traveled since then.

God Bless

Autumn Knows My Name

Sunshine decided not to show today
Rain poured down upon my weary soul
As last days of Summer have already closed
Reminding me not to cling to things like hope
But to keep on traveling down that road
Where who knows where you'll find me
And God keeps watch on my tired shadow
In midstream of my dreams that flow
Like a river long and old.

Autumn knows my name
In a lonesome refrain
Oh song of sorrows
Keep me safe
From this pouring rain
So I can live again.

Oh how do I know
Sun is gonna shine again
By light of a silver lining
Renewed in me by twilight
And friendship gathers like a boat
To rescue me from my selfish grope
To find meaning in a song
That echoes deep within
Forever haunting me like Halloween
Down lonesome cornrows
It feels my desire in Spring
And ends my question in a cold northwest wind
Autumn knows my name.

Autumn knows my name
In a lonesome refrain
Oh song of sorrows
Keep me safe
From this pouring rain
So I can live again.

Quiet morning slumber
Wide awake to Sunday chime
Call to worship time
In a tall cathedral spire
Clothed in my finest attire
Not sure I'll even go
Oh, I've got to finish what I started
Back when
In praise through thanksgiving
I hear him calling
Autumn knows my name.

Autumn knows my name
In a lonesome refrain
Oh song of sorrows
Keep me safe
From this pouring rain
So I can live again.

D. A. Wittler 16'

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

For those who disrespect our nation's symbol, who think that because we are a flawed people, that it is acceptable to behave as ignorant adults before our innocent children who watch, and wonder; a few thoughts:

More Than Stars and Stripes

We are people
Standing for freedom
And we are more than stars
Beneath a blue sky
More than flesh
Red blooded Americans
Scanning a hopeful horizon
Principled, disciplined by hard work
Tempered in fire.

We bare our stripes
Inspired by hope
Through fire and smoke
We have overcome
To see more clearly
A shining city on a hill
A white canvass
On which purity holds us bound
To higher moral ground
Than any nation ever found
On earth.

We kneel before no man
And bow before one God
Under heaven
Where all life is precious
And justice for all
Leads us from oppression's call
To serve a greater cause
Than mere mortal man can fathom
In pursuit of vain glory.

And so we remain united
One nation
Under God
For as long as mercy
And love
Can endure
And we are more
Than stars and stripes
To be disregarded
Like second hand garb
For we are all one people
Firm on shores of freedom.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Night Rain

Last evening a storm passed through in the wee hours of the morning. I found myeslf closing windows and quietly listening as a gentle breeze gave a first hint of rain. My thoughts were turned to  high school friends who lost parents quite recently. Now, perhaps it is my compasionate side that takes over at times like these, or maybe it is the spirit within which calls me to share some kind of solice for those who experience such loss in their lives. Whatever the case may be, I offer you a glimpse of my world at Witt's Den.   
And now, a first draft perhaps...for those who grieve. For all who still remember 9/11 as well.
 God Bless

Night Rain

Like comfort food
It calms me
Gentle as a touch
A respite from my labors
Whispers in the night
Soothing parched lips
Like a kiss from a lover
A call to slumber
Tears of joy from heaven
Washes away all sorrow
As I dream of tomorrow
Embraced by dawn
We are together once again
Savior and sinner
Cleansed in splendor
Longing of men
Like thunder rolling
Fog of morning undone
Our freedom he has won
As tears from heaven fall
In answer to this call
Forgiveness comes.

D.A. Wittler 16'