Thursday, December 21, 2017

Intangible Meanings

Since I didn't get Christmas cards out this year, please accept this offering. And yes, I hope one particular person is creeping around to see what Santa is bringing.

Call It A Gift

We speak of gifts this time of year
We spend our time in holiday cheer
With loved ones far, and near
But we must go deeper still
To discover what lay hidden there
Beneath wrappings we place with care.

To have a talent for
Or be available whenever
Are true hidden treasures
We seldom think of for each other
Yet we can use them, and give them
As any precious item placed before a tree
Like a life upon an altar in sacrifice.

And now I ask myself
Can this be my gift
To someone like you
And you be mine
Things intangible
Like trust in higher things
Of love, respect, and dignity?
Yes we can
So we shall
Appreciate these hidden meanings
Within this Christmas season
Tis more than we envision
Bright as any star amidst the heavens.

D.A. Wittler 17’

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Call It Catharsis

Call it catharsis, or finally accepting responsibility as we all must for our actions. When a marriage ends you don't stop to think about the consequences, only how awful you feel inside, and the anger that is in reality a hurt so deep it is beyond description. And so I share the final act of my stupidity that led me here today. It came about as I read an article on how  people know when their marriage is over. Please bare with me. Thank you.
How about when you are in church with your family, and you look over, and see that she isn't wearing her wedding ring. You beg yourself afterwards to ask her, afraid of the answer, and she says "I haven't been wearing it for a while." Reality doesn't set in until you ask yourself: "Was this a hint, or a test to see how long it would take until I noticed it was truly over?" And what did I do next? I did the meanest thing I could think of to express my hurt feelings; I sold my wedding band. Today I think to myself, "How despicable of me to be so cruel, especially when I told her what I had done, and how crushed I knew she felt." Then I knew it wasn't a test at all, it was about noticing who she was, and caring enough to be the man she needed me to be, and who I wasn't.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Merciful Distraction

I apologise for the late hour, but I was at work, and this came to me. I was thinking about the movie Patch Adams with Robin Williams where he has lost the love of his life, and is on the edge of jumping off a cliff when a butterfly lands in front of him. I hope you like it.
Merciful Distraction

Perhaps once in a lifetime
When we've labored so much
Someone comes along
A stranger from the rough
Bearing innocent conversation
A merciful distraction
To ease the rush of life's dispassion
That duty, and honor
Have not gone out of fashion
And when the tempest’s rage
Has given the worst it can deliver
We begin to recover
Some semblance of normal once again
If that was the reason
For our chance meeting
Then let it be as it was
A miracle of transformation
From grief to life once more.

D.A.Witter 17’

Friday, November 24, 2017

Let Us Give Thanks

Let us give thanks
To our fathers
Who gave us hands
for work
To our mothers
Who gave us hearts
for love
To God
Who gave us each a soul
for giving
and life eternal.

For callouses and crosses
Roses and kisses
Gifts and challenges
To help us grow
Cultivate and harvest
As the banquet of our labor
Now before us shows
We give our thanks.

For those who have passed
From this life
And those now present
We pray and hope
To share again and share alike
For food, for friends, for life
And those who serve
Let us give thanks.
In Jesus name we pray.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Life, A Comic Outrage

Behold a comic outrage! When all the world's a stage, and my life one long commentary on the absurdity, and stupidity of man. When a smirk creeps up upon my face in line at Wendy's, or in some public restroom listening to a splash. As I imagine Shakespeare, Whitman, Emerson, Thoreau, and Thurber having a pint while sitting on a passing cloud over head.
I wonder why it becomes necessary to obsess on the ordinary, or worry about the reasons why people take life so seriously, when laughter really is the best medicine, thanks to Norman Cousins' Anatomy Of An Illness; check out the movie if you will. It gives some honest reason to chuckle in the face of tragedy because we all end up the same in the end, dead.

Oh to take a moment to smile at the idiot who raises his arms in disbelief as he is the one who runs away a coward from the scene of a hit, and run. Who really pays for the damage done? It is only a vehicle, and our journey to work gets interrupted just a bit, so let the fool in the SUV live with himself as karma comes a calling when he can't just leave with his tail between his legs next time.
Smile, for your heart may be aching, but the choice is yours to find a glimpse of paradise in a fart joke delivered by Kevin Farley,  or that time you received a special unexpected gift at your family Christmas. Let Dad laugh until the joke is on him, and it's gone way too far over the top to stop.
And where to end when the reasons for living become a managery of one liners given by an aging George Burns to a worrisome John Denver sitting in the front seat of an American motors Pacer. Come on, was there ever a more ridiculous looking car ever made than that? Even Mike Meyers found it funny to give Wayne's World a boost alongside his besty Garth, and company who gave us a most memorable rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Yes,  laugh, drink up my friend, and don't let the screen door hit you on the backside as you leave the room excercising your right to be happy any way you want it, because life is a  Divine Comedy in spite of Dante's thirst for explaining the fires of hell; even he would smile to hear Satan singing American Pie out of tune in a hail storm. God bless!

Monday, October 30, 2017

The Pen Of Possibility

A few thoughts, because I haven't shared in a while:
There is no great secret in life, other than the limitations we place in front of us. Each day we have a choice to look at ourselves as half empty, or half full of the potential that is deep within. The challenge is to begin with gratitude for all that has been given, and expect the best of everything because if we can think it, and visualize it, then it can become reality. To summarize;

The Pen In My Hand

The pen in my hand
Says I am a story
Living every day
Being who I want to be
Happy as I want the be
Choosing to be positive
Going beyond the limits
Of this limited space
To see a universe of possibility
Rather than the despairing pessimist
I choose to give energy
Or refuse to feed with negativity
The pen in my hand
Says write my story
Because I can!

D.A. Wittler 17’

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Saying Something From Nothing

When There's Nothing Left To Say

Here I am today
Caught between beginning
And ending
Indulging my love affair with lettuce
Side item on a list
Below the main course.

And you
Are you a beginning, or an ending?
At first there was everything at stake
All to gain
Then life happened
Bland items on a menu
Work was the means
Weekends the reason
To escape my wretchedness.

When there's nothing left to say
We can get lost
Or write another story
Of me, and you
Finding new glory
Moving forward.
And so
With you the conversion continued
And my dirty little secrets
Crept in
To steal away the pleasure
Of being into you.
                    So words began to wain
Silence to overwhelm
No more pie, and coffee
On a Tuesday afternoon
And there was nothing left to do.

Again, here I am
May I suggest
A novel attitude
Turn the pages
See what's new on the other side
Speaking in silence
Praying in the darkness
Of a lonely hotel room
Open the drawer
Pull open the pages
Of “where to go when”
Finding someone
To begin again.

When there's nothing left to say
We can get lost
Or write another story
Of me, and you
Finding new glory
Moving forward.

I've had enough of platitudes
Singing to the rafters
While others become bystanders
Listening for something
They can grab onto
Like a message
To sink into their system
But it never comes
The answers lie within
And I'm missing you
But there was nothing left to say
And so it ended
Like an epic tragedy.

When there's nothing left to say
We can get lost
Or write another story
Of me, and you
Finding new glory
Moving forward.

                                  D.A. Wittler 17’

Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Fabric Of Our Times

A few thoughts on the fabric of our times:
 With broad stripes, and bright stars I am reminded of the stories, and images of battles fought, and won for the cause of freedom. I remember the innocent youth who at first entered whole heartedly, and willingly gave service, then reluctantly ran from the ravages of combat, only to be turned back by the sight of a banner being waved at the forefront of the storm in Stephen Crane's Red Badge Of Courage.
 I see Old Glory flying boldly as white, and black soldiers gathered to reunite a union torn apart by slavery. I see a nation knitted back together, yet still bearing the wounds, and scars of racism. I lived through troubled times, marches, and voices proclaiming our differences as strengthens, and our diversity a gift of God rather than a burden of dignity.
And then there are those who claw at the fabric of our fragile republic, who choose by right to oppose these colors many have  given life, and limb to protect. I hear their claims of brutality, and see the misguided attempt to raise public awareness of issues born again of ignorance just as searing as intolerance, and bigotry.
It is not a field of honor on which they do battle, rather, a stage, a sport in which friendly rivals gather to claim bragging rights over one another.
What I offer today is not controversial, but common sensical. I say, follow the rules, yet speak your mind off the field by your example, and not by feeble attempts to draw attention at the expense of those whose only wish is to be entertained by physical prowress, and points scored. And above all, do not mock the sacrifices of those who have served to protect the fabric of your freedom.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Thoughts On The Passage Of Time

A few thoughts on the passage of time:

I saw an old friend last evening. We sat at the bar, and struck up a conversation about the weather, and more serious subjects. Curious as it seems, my mind drifted off to more finer things.
I wonder about those sunny Summer days at the lake, and one special Mother's Day weekend. I think about the house I grew up in, and my parents who longer live there. I imagine one rainy Autumn day in September, and how for the first time in my life I felt like I had found something to last a lifetime.
"I don't know how she put up with me for thirty four years" my friend said, and I just smiled. Raindrops ran down the back window of the limo driving by in my mind's eye, and I thought "Yeah, I must have been some bastard to have pushed away the best thing to ever come into my life." But times change, and people cling to what brings them safety, and security. Once they feel betrayed, it's all over.
I have moved on from twenty four years ago, but I leave behind a muddy trail, and two sons who now have grown, and have flown on ahead of me to meet their own destinies. The days speed on like road signs on a busy freeway, and I often miss a turn to get lost in thought, and days of revelry, but love leaves an impression you never get over.
"Good night" I said to my friend as we parted the bar, and I walked off into the night a loner once again; aimless, and yearning for another day, and another chance to begin again.
Love, and peace my friends!

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Upon Those Long Nights Of Waiting.

Upon those long nights of waiting; a few thoughts:

We have all had long nights of waiting. Whether sitting bedside while a beloved wife labors for the birth of a first child, or longing to know the outcome of blood tests from a doctor's appointment. We have all known pain, both physical, and emotional. Like the anguish of rejection, or the knowledge that we just don't measure up to the standards that life places on us at a job. We all have our breaking point, even as we continue to pray for answers when there appears to be none.
I had such a night. At one moment, I awoke gasping for breath, and imagining a ghostly figure standing across the room waiting for my question "Are you here for me?" But there was nothing there, and I knew there were still a few breaths left in me.
I look back over many years of long nights, and I wonder when it began, and what triggered these symptoms that plague me every time I lay my head to rest. And so you know, so that you will not be surprised to hear the news when it finally becomes a reality; I bare my soul this morning.
They say acceptance comes when one has fully grasped the severity of their situation. Well, perhaps I have not reached the point of no return, yet I realize this ailment could be the reason for mine. I keep fighting the conclusion that with proper treatment things will get better, but I also know like the saying goes "If it's not one thing that will get you, something else will."
And so, instead of details, I'll close with a blessing that God will keep you securely in his care, especially on those long nights of waiting.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Who Needs God?

A few thoughts:
 The question "Who needs God?" has been posed many times over thousands of years. The answer is noone needs God, rather, God needs us.Think about it.
If we're constantly asking ourselves about things we cannot answer with science, or by the old stand by "Stuff happens," then we've missed the point. God needs us to love, because he is love. We can't explain it, but we know it exists, and we seek it out to make us whole.
God needs us to forgive because he is forgiving. If we spend our whole lives finding fault in ourselves, and others, then what good have we done?
God gives us choices because he needs us to have the freedom to make choices for ourselves so we can learn, and grow. If everything is given, then what is there to give?
 In a perfect world, like heaven, we find all answers, so we must seek heaven for it's own sake. The only way to learn how to get there is by experiencing as much as this world throws at us at any given moment. That is the purpose of scars, and stripes; to pay the admission beyond all pain, and suffering.
To know God is to be like God, and that is the ultimate lesson.

Monday, September 4, 2017

A New Peace

A few thoughts: I welcome the opinions of others, especially when it comes to seeking solutions to problems we face on a daily basis. I grow weary when I read, or hear hatred oozing out of an argument over politics, religion, or the appearance of social injustice. I writhe at the thought of a nation divided over events, and struggles that have been the growing pains of freedom. And yet, the history of a nation is what determines it's character, and hope for a more tolerable existence. Our present, or future does not reflect our past if we have come to the conclusion that learning from our mistakes is what makes us stronger. I pray that the violence will soon come to an end. Unfortunately, tragedy brings with it an empathy, and spirit of community, as is the case with the current conditions in Texas. My Hope is in our conviction that all lives matter, and that we can emulate the love, and compassion of our Creator who only wants us to love, as he loves, and that our neighbor's life is as precious as our own. Now, let us all get together for the sake of our future as free men, and women, determined to overcome our human weaknesses for the sake of those who follow in our footsteps.
Peace, and Love

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

A Moment Of Your Time Please

A few thoughts:
As hard as it is to make a decent living these days, they just keep coming back to rob you, although you allow yourself to get lured in to the schemes of an educational opportunity, business venture, or that new car smell, it all stinks! Just as one burden is lifted, another one comes back to haunt you. As much as we try to be honest, hard working people who pay their bills on time, I wonder if I should take on a life of crime. But the temptation, though simple, and easy as it sounds, presents a whole new set of problems.
My Savior says to go with simple faith, and determination, to pick up my cross daily, and haul it down the path to perdition, where judgement falls on the wicked, and faithful alike, but some days I still wonder, "Is it worth my effort?" When the phone rings, and it's one more bill collector on the line, I consider my last dime. When does it end?
But I cannot let this world tear me to pieces, not when I can look a faithful companion in the face, and know that a wagging tail, and joyful disposition is telling me to come out into the yard, and play a while, no matter what may happen, even if tomorrow brings an end to my time with the screetch of tires on a loney stretch of country road. Keep on playing, though your heart is low, and your spirit longing for a little rest upon the back porch of home. I will go on, and I will remember that life is full of moments I have the choice to make happy, or sink into despair. Today, I choose happiness, tomorrow be damned!
God bless!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

To What Was And Is To Come

Open Window

Once I watched a door close
When she walked away
But I was long gone
Before I heard it
And there was nothing
And nowhere to go
Looking for an open window
To come along.

Pictures are my memory
I dream in vivid colors
Watching the wind blow
Through a forest
Leaves whisper her name
As I linger
Not knowing what to say
Looking for an open window.

Everything changes
No matter how we try
To remain the people
We put upon a pedestal
But we never become them
Pounding upon closed doorways
Till our fists bleed
Wounded soldiers in a game.

Noone to blame for
All the missed chances
To restore a pathway
Of a closed door
So I cling to a picture
Knowing my memories
Will hold still
Vision of an open window.

Will she reappear
Before I leave this life behind
Only time will tell
As the tide arrives
To erase difficult days
When I was blind to truth
Denying her spirit
A warm place to stay.

In my heart
There is an open window
Sunlight becomes her
To the hillside I climb
Clinging to a doorway
That will never open again
So I pray for salvation
In another's arms.

Neverland is just a place
Boys never grow old
But this world deals in reality
Something I ran from so often
Denying possibility
To make changes
For our sake
And so that door went unopened.

Don't you forget me
Even when you dream
The way it use to be
We had our moments
We brought life
To a gruesome world
We opened a window
No man can close.

Oh give me one more day
It's not the number
But the quality
Propels me forward
Closing doors give way
To open windows
And God knows
I'll be waiting anxiously.

When I come closer
Don't deny me
A way to find you
Over the phone
Close a chapter
Open a window
If only for a moment
And let me stay a while

D.A. Wittler 17’

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Mentor From The Grave

I, who slipped into this title of poet,
Long to be liberated from the world
Free to rage within the realm of my own wit,
To intervene, and
To transform the world..

Taken from, and inspired by: Sir Phillip Sidney
(1554-1586) Courtier to Queen Elizabeth I. Knight, warrior, horseman, and self described poet. Though he lived a brief life, he knew the gentility of nobility, the brutality of war, and the subtlety of poetry. A hero Knight of the highest order of chivalry, and literature. Wow, if I believed in reincarnation like the late great George S. Patton, there I would be! But I would never choose to die of gangrene from wounds sustained in battle, who would? Ah, but a quick sword to the heart is more the order of my life. A loner, son of a foundry worker, signal soldier; smitten by love, a father, leader, and lonely once more. And so I digress into the shadows of my later years, dismissed, but never out of the fight.
God bless

Friday, August 4, 2017

From My Father's House

For all of us who have issues with life, and I think that pretty much covers all human beings on the planet, a little perspective:
For many centuries, perhaps even from the dawn of human creation, men, and women alike have held on to the things that have shaped them as individuals. Good, and bad go hand in hand as much comes from parents, guardians, or homes of record. Character makes up a lot of who we are, and like it or not we experience things that add to , or detract from that image of ourselves. Often we look to our fathers for guidance as we grow from childhood to adulthood, and as the case may be, we may not always get what we bargained for.
I for one may not have received the love, and affection of my father like I may have needed at various points in time in my life, but it doesn't mean I have to dwell on the loss, or lack of, rather, that I took what I could get, and ran with it. I don't have to let resentment for this lacking get me so downhearted that I cannot function when life stresses me to the extreme. I don't have to run for cover every time I am reminded of the bad things that have occurred in my life.

God knows from the very beginning that human resentment goes all the way to the top. In fact, I think it was figured into our DNA that at some point we look to a father figure to blame for our shortcomings, and or flaws in character. All I can say in this regard is this; make peace with it any way you can. Seek wise counsel of a trusted friend, or professional, pray for guidance, and above all, take the time while it is at hand to go to your father, and speak from your heart whatever it is that is keeping you from becoming the ideal image of yourself. I can't tell you how much turmoil there has been in my own life because of resentment, anger, and hurt over feelings towards my own father, but I had to pass through some pretty awful waters to get to where I am today to be able to share my experience with you. I hope that in your own way that you find a means to make peace with the past so you can become the best version of yourself that God intended. So, sit back, take a few deep breaths, pick up the phone, send a text, say a prayer, or even speak to an empty chair if it helps resolve the pain in your heart. May God bless you, and keep you firmly in His care!

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Who's Afraid?

Who's Afraid Of The Dark?

Dale A. Wittler

We are all born out of the darkness of our mother’s womb. Like some self contained spacecraft, it was our first real home. It gave us nourishment through a tube like embilical, provided warmth, and protection from a hostile exterior environment. We grew inside it until there was no more room to expand our horizons, and so we were expelled into a harsh light so blinding, and cold that it caused us to cry with our first drawing breath. And so, out of that life giving bath of darkness, we became beings immersed in light. We soon forgot how welcoming it had been to just keep our eyes closed, and experience life through the muffled sounds of an alien world mere milimeters away on the outside. In fact, as time passed, we began to fear what we once knew as a life sustaining darkness, and transformed it into a nightmarish place noone wants to explore again… So, tell me, how did we learn to fear the dark?
I wake in a cool sweat, my heart pounding like a freight train; throat bone dry, and lungs drawing huge gasps of air like I had been swimming under water for an extended time, and distance. There is a fading sense of impending doom leaving my body, and my mind begins to resume a normal pace of a typical afternoon. This is fast becoming a new norm for a person who has known the drone of third shift life after most folks turn in for a long nights rest. It is curious indeed, and a mystery only many years of experience can reveal as a genuine sleep disorder.
I remember as a kid coming home from elementary school, and my brothers, and sisters gathering in front of the television set to watch Dark Shadows. As if Barnabus Collins wasn't enough to scare the bezeesus out of you, there was nothing like having to use the bathroom during a commercial break, and needing to make the long trek down the hallway to relieve oneself. Yes, I mention this because that's when my fear of the dark made itself truly known to me, and the time we made our own haunted house in the basement. I will never forget my oldest sister, and the “white hand” glowing in the dark under the staircase.
Funny how sleep can be taken for granted in a world constantly at war with itself. I remember sitting behind a small green box lit up with ivory colored subscriber lights, and the slight hum of a power supply fan motor during field training exercises in Germany. There isn't much to do when you're a ninteen year old private first class manning a telephone switchboard after the generals have called it a day. Even after a change of scenery puts him on an air base somewhere the hell in Honduras, it's still the same game, a Cold War existence.Years don't change a man except when he has been up for nearly thirty six hours straight, and a National Guard captain keeps wondering why his switchboard operator keeps dosing off, even while standing up on both feet. Believe me, there is nothing more surreal than waking up half way to the floor when your body says“ Give me a break, will ya?”
So, what does this have to do with the inevitabiliy of growing old, and the fear knowing life ends in darkness just like it began? Well, again, experience is the best teacher. Over countless hours carrying a flashlight around a kind of half way house for wayward boys, I learned to embrace darkness as a means of security. As long as the kids were in bed, I didn't have to worry if one of them began to act up, and a fight would break out. I never liked sitting on top of a thirteen year old who was having an episode of “I can't deal with the reality that life stinks, and I can't cope effectively with my anger issues.” Yeah, I was one of those crazy individuals, who when backed into a corner, was forced to handle the conflict I always tried to avoid at all cost. To this day I hate dealing with the fueding frenzy this world has become so addicted to.
And so, this journey continues. After twenty years of marriage, divorce, child support, and living in exile for nearly five years, I find myself in a mid-life life crisis of epic proportions. Health Care is all the rage as I have entered a guantlet of repeated doctor visits, blood work, and issues related to that dreaded walk to the bathroom. Funny how it all comes back to you in spades. And thusly I return to a new kind of fear, the reality of knowing a lifetime of dreams, both good, and bad, are cut short by a broken mechanism inside my brain that keeps turning the light on, and off at random. After a ten hour shift at work the night before, I have been asleep, and awake at least three times since 8 am Eastern Standard Time. Almost as funny as “The Clapper” I live a commercial in my head that isn't the convenience of a modern labor saving device. I realize that it's not the blood sugar, blood pressure, or cholesterol that will kill me, it's the darkness, and comfort of a warm place to sleep that will inevitably end it. So I blame economics, the health care industrial complex, and my own broken brain as a means to deal with the fear only God in heaven knows how to heal.

The End Is Near

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

By The Title Of The Same Name

Who Am I?

Always take what I "say" with a grain of salt, but don't ever take for granted what I write from the depths of my heart, and the beauty of my soul. If you should pass this way again, you will know the purest form, and the best version of who I am.
So, who am I?
I don't know normal.
Sure, I look that way on the outside,
But noone knows the turmoil inside,
Or the beauty hidden there beneath;
I am real!

Know me as a friend
A one time lover
Always a fighter
Deep within
A soul searcher
A God driven man
Full of flaws,
And imperfections
Like a diamond
Once a lump of coal
Now a glittering example
Of what pressure can create
And heaven sent
To find purpose
In a world of hate
A hell of man's own making.
This is who I am.

D.A. Wittler 17’

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Choices And Challenges

How many times have I chosen
The easier path
Because the mountain peak
Seemed too distant
Beyond my reach
Or saught a clear view ahead
From the lower branches
Of a tree
Because the climb
Seemed too steep
Beyond my sight to see?
Ah, but today
I am graced to face again
Those same challenges
But I have gained faith
Through past mistake
To make it far beyond
For heaven's sake.
D.A. Wittler 17'

Thursday, July 27, 2017

"Can You Hear Me Now?"

For those who doubt
For those who despair
For those who can't let go
Of the hurt inside...

Wherever I Go

It's the middle of the afternoon
I was up all night
Just had to check my phone
And there you were
“Thought I'd mention,
I'm a friend.”
That was an hour ago
And here I go again.

Wherever I go
Doesn't matter where
I can always find you
In my life
Worst day
Or finest hour
Fair weather friend
My Savior
Because even in the storm
You only see the calm
When my soul rages
That you even care...
You are there.

It's the midnight hour
Night has just begun
Working for a livin
Just barely somehow
I think I've lost my reason
To keep on going
And there you are
“Thought I'd mention,
I love you.”
Then my heart begins again
Morning rises
With a mist and sunlit horizon.

Wherever I go
Doesn't matter where
I can always find you
In my life
Worst day
Or finest hour
Fair weather friend
My Savior
Because even in the storm
You only see the calm
When my soul rages
That you even care...
You are there…

Wherever I go
Wherever I go
Wherever I go
I can find you
Know you

D.A. Wittler 17’

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Yellow Horse

Yellow Horse

Up all night
Workin’ the night shift again
Same old  thing
Playin’ the game
Payin’ my dues
By the rules
Never gaining ground
Ridin’ my yellow horse
Till dawns early light
Feelin’ the change
Comin’ on
And I'm not getting any younger.

Doin’ right
By the people in my life
Seasons change
And little boys grow up
To be young men
What went wrong
It's all gone
And all I've got
Is this yellow horse
Till dawn
Loadin’ the big rigs
On a hot summer night.

Yellow horse
Hear my voice
Calling’ out your name
Tryin’ to be the man
I promised to be
So long ago
But it can't be
Like it used to
And dreams
Turned to streams
Of rain on the pavement
At midnight.
Thunder and rain, and all I've got are seconds, and flashes in between.

Hello again son
Got your message
You're comin’ home
I'll be waiting
When I'm done
Riding this yellow horse
Till dawn
And we'll go from here
Till I'm gone.

Yellow horse
Hear my voice
Calling’ out your name
Tryin’ to be the man
I promised to be
So long ago
But it can't be
Like it used to
And dreams
Turned to streams
Of rain on the pavement
At midnight.
Thunder and rain, and all I've got are seconds, and flashes in between.

D.A. Wittler 17’

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Road Songs

Double Nickel

Well, it used to be defined
By a white road sign
Now there's almost no limit
But the sky I guess
People get excited
When they got no time
Speeding through life
Like there's no tomorrow
Beg or borrow
Double nickel.

Sammy used to sing
He couldn't drive it
Mario Andretti
On the car pool side
Traffic gets us moving
But we just can't get by
With a limit
Double nickel don't cut it
So we floor it
Leaving the honest behind.

But that's not what I'm talking about
Life is like a highway
And we joke about old age
And then it creeps up on us
And the jokes start to fade
As we question:
What have we done?
How far have we come?
Double nickel ahead
What will I leave behind?

We take to the road
When high School is over
There's always a path
Which way to go?
God only knows
But regardless of it
Double nickel knows
We might regret it
If we go too fast
Trying to keep up
With the Jones’s
In a new Cadillac
When all we've got is a Chevy
But it will do
As long as the road is open
And our minds are focused
Life won't pass us by.

Sammy used to sing
He couldn't drive it
Mario Andretti
On the car pool side
Traffic gets us moving
But we just can't get by
With a limit
Double nickel don't cut it
So we floor it
Leaving the honest behind.

One year older
And the candles flame
Who gets the honor
Blowing them out
Like an old spare tire
But that's not what I'm talking about
What lessons learned?
What directions turned?
Made us who we are today
We don't come into this world
With an owner's manual
Just a slap on the back
And the old Gideon's Bible
Where to go when?

Sammy used to sing
He couldn't drive it
Mario Andretti
On the car pool side
Traffic gets us moving
But we just can't get by
With a limit
Double nickel don't cut it
So we floor it
Leaving the honest behind.

One more left turn in us
If we just rely
On old double nickel
To give us a ride
Slowing down don't mean we're old
It just says we're wise
Beyond the car pool side
Cruising along till we see it
Another sun rise
A roadside rest
Till the end of time.

D.A. Wittler 17’