Bring On The Rain
Sometimes I wonder
And it's getting late
The sound of thunder
On a cloud filled night
Oh bring on the rain
Though my heart breaks again
I long to hear it
Running down the roof
On my window pane
Collecting in a gutter
Washing away the years
From a cluttered street
Where I have traveled
Weary and weak
Wishing and wanting
To share my defeat
With someone so caring
So close through the storm
That it no longer matters
As long as two souls meet.
Bring on the rain
A silent refrain
Left in a gutter
Pouring out into the fields
Where dreams are planted
And tears mingle
With triumph and pain
I'll start all over
When tomorrow comes
If you'll just remember
How I loved you then
And we'll part as friends
Forever wiser
Better than ever.
Water gathers
People head for higher ground
It's all about spring weather
When we awaken
From a long winter slumber
And we're ready to grow once more
Beyond our former selves
Bitter and self centered
Open and like minded
And God hears our prayers
When it rains
He answers
And morning appears
Brighter and in living color
Than we've ever seen.
Bring on the rain
A silent refrain
Left in a gutter
Pouring out into the fields
Where dreams are planted
And tears mingle
With triumph and pain
I'll start all over
When tomorrow comes
If you'll just remember
How I loved you then
And we'll part as friends
Forever wiser
Better than ever.
D.A. Wittler 17’