I wonder
if that poetic road less traveled
is still there before me
as I stand at a crossroad once again
as a festering meat sack
of human emotional baggage.
My past behind me
No future ahead
Just today
And all that it brings to table.
Regrets emerge
submerge themselves
In "If only"
Then prayer comes forth
And silence listens.
A deafening roar
In a sanctuary of dim belief
Where marble walls, and staues stare
Into an abys of nothingness
Where candles glare
from red, and blue stained vases
And I whisper into darkest spaces
"Where is God if faith is endless?"
When forced to fight
A man fights
But he always has the option
To turn the other cheek.
When forced to follow
A person follows
But has the choice
To take another path.
I may choose to fight
And lose
I may follow
And lose myself, and my convictions
But I will never be a sycophant to philosophy
Someone else's policy, or the idea that I must always just suck it up, and carry on because that's what human drones do to survive in a world not of their own making.
D.A. Wittler