Sunday, May 16, 2021

The Siege

A Few Thoughts: The Siege.
Perhaps it is time to come out again.
The gates were locked. The drawbridge chains wound. To the ramparts archers gathered, and knights rallied for the siege ahead.
That's my analogy for the fight against the covid virus. It creeps in unannounced like a Trojan horse. It masks itself as innocently as the common cold, and then jumps you like a thief in the night. 
The Siege begins, and all your energy is somehow drawn out of you. The fires are lit, and your lungs begin to fail. It is all you can do to focus on one breath at a time through your nose, and out through your mouth. In... out.... In... out. 
With great care nurses, and doctors rush in. They are the reinforcements who sure up the castle walls, and plan a counter attack. In their hands you trust, but it takes the fighter in you to help them with their task. 
And so they gather tools of siege warfare. Boiling oil in vials of blood. Gauntlets of steroids, and probing the enemy outside to find the weakest point to counter the blow within.
You hope you have enough reserves to outlast the long haul. Each day you fight, pray, and survive; that's all you can do as hour upon hour passes.
And finally the enemy weakens. Your body gains the advantage, and you have the virus on the run. Fires are extinguished, towers toppled; time to heal wounds of war. Rebuilding weakend walls takes time, but you can claim victory for today, and tomorrow is another day. I cannot say why some survive while others answer the final call, all I know is that there is no such thing as luck as long as you believe, pray, and are reassured that an army is behind you all the way!  
God bless you all.

D.A. Wittler 4/25/21

Reflections From A Hospital Bed

A few thoughts: Reflections from a hospital bed.

Moved To Mercy

As I lay here struggling
Just to breath
Nurses attending my every need
Doctors providing their opinions
I stare out the window
Wondering in isolation
"When will it end?"
While an insidious foe
Rages through my body
Like a wildfire out of control.

I have compared thee
To a siege from dark ages
When knights clashed
Protecting their reputations
But battle was not their only weapon
And only as a last resort
As they pledged to help the hopeless
The hungry, and oppressed
And so I call upon you
Oh noble knight within
To prepare for battle
As this foe rages on
And I scarce 
Can take another breath.

Oh Lord
Almighty Father
By whose benevolence I beckon
Not only for myself
But for all who suffer
From whatever cause
Physical, emotional or situational
Be comforted by your compassion
And through the saving grace
Of your son Jesus
Be forgiven of sin
Lifted up by your Holy Spirit
Brought to healing, peace of mind
And restful sanctuary.

May all who bring evil
Oppression, and suffering
Into this world
Upon the innocent
Be moved to mercy
So that healing can begin.

D.A. Wittler 5/16/21