Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In Whom Do We Trust?

I’ve done a lot of thinking lately as you can probably tell. It seems like the time gets further and further apart between postings, but being preoccupied with getting back to work, raising two boys and the whole political scene these days have captured most of my attention. I humbly apologize for leaving those who drop by my den on occasion in the dark. I can’t think of anything more important than being there to help family, friends or a passing stranger in need; even if it’s just a word or two of encouragement.

Well, today began like any other day with the exception that someone sent me an e-mail with a link that stirred the writer in me to share with you. Now, I will tell you the corner of me eyes well up when I hear the National Anthem or when I see one of my scouts salute the flag or do something purely unselfish to help another person, but the following video says a lot why. This country of ours was founded by people who had had enough of oppression, persecution and intolerance. This is evidenced by the fact that some of our first citizens were those who faced religious persecution for their beliefs. They believed that God would take them to a land where they could freely practice their faith and thrive.

After more than two hundred years we have grown beyond the limits of the land to far off islands and snow capped mountains pristine and largely untouched by man. By the grace of God we have prospered, suffered, died and prevailed over every conceivable harm or ill will of other men. Why then do some insist that what we believe is evil or has no place in the public arena? Any religion can be distorted, fanaticized or used to bring people down, but our faith does not waver, does not falter and does not cause others to be put out. Some will give examples to the contrary, and this is partly so, but we are of human origin and we make mistakes from time to time, but what makes us unique is that we stand back up and hold to the principles that made our country great.

To what end is eliminating God from our national identity propose? How do we replace the corner stone of our nation with atheistic notions that denigrate manifest destiny? I believe we were led to this great land to prosper and bring new hope to a world lost in greed and selfish need for power. Please watch and listen to the following video. It says more than I can say here today. God Bless America!

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