Monday, February 5, 2018

Meaningless Noise

A Few Thoughts:

Just one of those days, a frigid February day;
when I would rather gather no moss, like a rolling stone, but my butt is still frozen to this chair, and I wonder if I care, or dare to mention it doesn't matter to me who won the Superbowl.
Friend, if all we have in common is brief conversation about the weather, work, or the scores from last night, then we really have failed to mention that life is about more than dull improvisation that we care when we're just too damb caught up in our own situation to dig deeper into the intricate details that make us who we are as human beings. Blame our parents, blame our schools for not giving us enough tools to talk face to face, because hell, now we have Facebook, and who needs the art of true communication?
And again I wonder where I'm going when I know where I've been; it's with you my friend that we'll sit beside a crackling fire, have a drink, and share our desire to be more than a profile on a page in cyberspace. So tell me your story, and I'll lend you my ears, and life will transcend all those empty years we filled with meaningless noise.
God bless,

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