A Series of Divine Accidents
Poems, and Thoughts
From My Adulthood.
Dale A. Wittler
I have heard that fear is our only enemy, and the person who can overcome it is truly blessed. To my knowledge there has only ever been one such person born on earth who has ever achieved that goal, and he died willingly to save the entire world. My aim in life has never gotten even close to such a lofty purpose, but I can say that to inspire even one person to become the best version of themselves is perhaps a surmountable destination given the obstacles, and mole hills created by uncertainty, and a lack of confidence in oneself.
Speaking as a man so often consumed by doubt, there is only one facet of life left to fully explore, and that is faith. Faith feeds the fire of a notion postulated by the late film director/actor Orson Wells who believed that all great film is about divine accidents. One never knows when something purely spontaneous will create a moment unscripted, and brilliant. More than mere coincidence, life is not about happenstance, rather a series of divine accidents. And so I embark on yet another leg of a journey began on July 24th. 1962. But as life provides references, information, and formal education in youth, it affords a gold mine of experience in adulthood.
It is here where I begin again, and perhaps end with the ultimate conclusion that to become a person willing to face fear, that fear become less of an enemy, and more of a yearning to emulate the greatest human being who ever lived. Perhaps then life becomes more about the divine side in each of us, and less about the fears that keep us from becoming the best version of ourselves. Here is a collection of my own series of divine accidents. Enjoy!
D.A.Wittler 11/05/2018
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