A few thoughts: "And they lived happily ever after."
Many of us adults grew up with someone reading us a story; whether at bed time by a parent, grand parent, or in school. I remember Mrs. Kortokrax reading to our class Charlotte's Web in second grade I believe, and listening to Disney classics like Pinocchio on vynil LP records. My younger sisters, and I would follow along with the enclosed story book. Ah, what memories, especially at happy endings.
Well, some years later I remember hearing Paul Harvey on the radio telling us "the rest of the story." Usually about the humble beginnings of a well known person or celebrity. On Saturday mornings Casey Kasem would play Amercas Top Forty songs. He would always share a long distance dedication at some point during his broadcast. It was normally a true story about everday people; long lost, and found romance, overcoming adversity, or some other human interest story with a song associated with it. And yes, usually with a happy ending.
Today, as my years of experience have taught me is that there are always two sides to every story. We take the good, and bad as either a positive, negative or learning experience. We see the good guy, the bad guy, or the circumstances that lead to a happy, sad or moral teaching. Sometimes the moral part gets left out, and we are left wondering what the whole point was. Anyhow, the important thing to remember is that stories either teach us something; or give us a certain perspective on life. One thing leads to another, yet we must realize that any story can be viewed from different points by those who are a part of the story itself. One side may get the gold while the other is left impoverished. One may get the love of their life while the other is left alone.
Either way, in life it is important to consider both sides of a story to truly appreciate the whole picture, and how every story allows for revisions. "Happily ever after" is not always the point, sometimes there is a lesson, sometimes not, and sometimes we just have to wonder.
Good day, and God bless!
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