Fill this place with treasure
As a life lived in full measure
With gifts of time and talent
Like any Cub Scout parent
Always present, always caring
In this space you will be sharing
Memories and mementos
Collected as you traveled
Down the straight and narrow path
Scouter in the aftermath
Of countless hours and years
In happiness and flowing tears
To see your boys grow ever wiser
Cheerful, courteous, and kind
Helpful, obedient, brave
Friendly, thrifty and reverent
Clean in mind and body
Always helpful
Trusting in the gifts God gave them.
And so,
Fill this space with love
As every mother knows
And ever father hopes
In every moment shared
That life is short and time goes by
But never will those ties
Be forgotten in their son’s eyes.
Fill this place with treasure
As a life lived in full measure
With gifts of time and talent
Like any Cub Scout parent
Always present, always caring
In this space you will be sharing
Memories and mementos
Collected as you traveled
Down the straight and narrow path
Scouter in the aftermath
Of countless hours and years
In happiness and flowing tears
To see your boys grow ever wiser
Cheerful, courteous, and kind
Helpful, obedient, brave
Friendly, thrifty and reverent
Clean in mind and body
Always helpful
Trusting in the gifts God gave them.
And so,
Fill this space with love
As every mother knows
And ever father hopes
In every moment shared
That life is short and time goes by
But never will those ties
Be forgotten in their son’s eyes.
I offer up this prayer in reflection upon an e-mail I received this morning from one of my Cub Scout leaders. In words that I have heard before and in thoughts I have had myself so many times before; this prayer becomes strength for me as they echo in my mind. I realize how tough times are and how busy families are these days, but it is never easy to lose a part of something you have worked so hard to build up. By summer our pack will have lost two leaders and a good portion of the boys in it. Even though I realize it is another sign of the times, it makes it no easier to swallow. Even still, I feel as though I have failed as a Cub Master.
I have been doing this for at least four years now and it gets no easier dealing with the ups and downs of competing with the fast paced world and the promise of Scouting. I would not have committed myself to it if I did not fully believe that Scouting is worth the time and trouble. For the sake of my own sons' and those of other parents, I would give all I have to see them realize what becoming an Eagle Scout promises for their future. What I did not achieve as a Scout so many years ago has become a regret I will never live down because I feel as though something is missing in my life. Perhaps if I had just buckled down and not run off to do so many other things that gave little or nothing in return later in my life, perhaps I would be in far better shape personally, professionally and spiritually today. I am, however, grateful for having had the experience of being a Scout and now being able to give something back to Scouting. Please pray for all those struggling families out there who are faced with so many difficult decisions. I hope that in doing so, our prayers may keep a few more scouts actively involved and realizing their potential. Thank you. Amen.
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