I recently was given the opportunity to assist my brother in law with his business. He was short handed one day and asked if I could help out; little did I know what this entailed as I drove over to a nearby town where the job site was located. It was a food processing plant that utilized numerous filtration units to cool and circulate clean air throughout the plant. Of course these units were located on the roof and it was my brother in law’s task to change the filters in many of the units; a job some might consider too much of a hassle to mess with as it required climbing up to the rooftop and lugging boxes of replacement filters to several locations. You would have a good understanding of the life of a mountain goat after spending a couple of days of this and I got first hand experience. It did not take long for me to realize how different things look when viewed from a different angle. High above the noise and common place sights gave me a perspective of the world I rarely see and so I feel compelled to share.
Funny, how your thinking can be broadened by a view from the rooftop. For me, it only confirms what I already have been trying to do in my daily life as it pertains to faith and personal integrity. You see, I find it troubling that the world is so caught up in hoarding wealth, power and control over people. It seems like many people just want to get out of life what they can get for themselves and the heck with everybody else. It is so self evident in the labor movement, the so called new “equal rights” agenda and even in our government run amok with wasteful spending of tax payer money. What they fail to see is the ripple effect this attitude will have on future generations and the impact it has on the younger generation of today. When a child is given everything it desires, more than not, all you end up with is a spoiled child demanding more of your time, talent and treasure. What should be the focus is teaching the child over time to be disciplined in fulfilling needs, wants and desires; not in seeing how much can be squeezed out of the patience of a desperate parent.
The rooftop not only gives us a new perspective, but it provides the additional light and fresh air we need to appreciate what God promises every day; a new beginning and a second chance to “get right” with him; to put straight our path and view his creation in a way far from the reaches of selfishness and the need for power. The “big picture” is what God sees and most often what we fail to notice in our own small space upon the ground. And so I challenge anyone who happens by this page today to take a moment and seek the rooftop; to put their trust in faith that God will provide all their earthly needs no matter the course life seems to be leading them to. It is truly amazing what a change in perspective can do once you are willing to put fear aside and just climb to the heights of new life. Witt.
Funny, how your thinking can be broadened by a view from the rooftop. For me, it only confirms what I already have been trying to do in my daily life as it pertains to faith and personal integrity. You see, I find it troubling that the world is so caught up in hoarding wealth, power and control over people. It seems like many people just want to get out of life what they can get for themselves and the heck with everybody else. It is so self evident in the labor movement, the so called new “equal rights” agenda and even in our government run amok with wasteful spending of tax payer money. What they fail to see is the ripple effect this attitude will have on future generations and the impact it has on the younger generation of today. When a child is given everything it desires, more than not, all you end up with is a spoiled child demanding more of your time, talent and treasure. What should be the focus is teaching the child over time to be disciplined in fulfilling needs, wants and desires; not in seeing how much can be squeezed out of the patience of a desperate parent.
The rooftop not only gives us a new perspective, but it provides the additional light and fresh air we need to appreciate what God promises every day; a new beginning and a second chance to “get right” with him; to put straight our path and view his creation in a way far from the reaches of selfishness and the need for power. The “big picture” is what God sees and most often what we fail to notice in our own small space upon the ground. And so I challenge anyone who happens by this page today to take a moment and seek the rooftop; to put their trust in faith that God will provide all their earthly needs no matter the course life seems to be leading them to. It is truly amazing what a change in perspective can do once you are willing to put fear aside and just climb to the heights of new life. Witt.
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