Time seems to have gone by so quickly these past few months. It seems very little has changed in me lately, but I have seen my boys grow taller and the scope of my life reach out further than I ever imagined as a quiet kid so many years ago. The Lord has been kind and generous indeed. Though I do not always see the wisdom in his ways or the vision he has for me, I know there is a purpose and a path.
Last evening I had the privilege and joy to work with a few new Cub Scouts who recently joined our pack. I remember the last minute preparations as I scrambled to get ready for the meeting. I almost forgot how not long ago my youngest son had been a tiger cub and how much fun it was to be there with him as he began his journey through scouting. Today, I think of the legacy that will be left behind as my son and I will progress into the Boy Scout program in a few months from now. As a Cubmaster, I can only do so much to promote the ideals, means and methods of Cub Scouting, but it will be up to those who follow in my footsteps to keep the program going in our small town. This is my hope and prayer today; that my vision, example and prayers can keep the smiles coming and the young boys advancing down the path of an organization that is so deeply imbedded in my heart. I just hope that the lost ones can be led back to the pack as busy parents and busy kids put scouting aside for other pursuits seemingly more important.
Looking back to this past weekend, I remember watching the news coverage of the funeral of Senator Ted Kennedy. These past forty seven years have been witness to the birth of Camelot, the tragedy of sudden death, war and the triumph of man in space. Still, the perseverance of some has been the down fall of others as barriers have crumbled to dust and memory. But there is much to do and progress to mark as the struggle continues for access to the great accomplishments of mankind. Whether it is adequate health care for everyone, economic freedom or simply the acceptance that all men are crated equal; my hopes lie in the hands of our children. With faith in a kind and forgiving god, let us as leaders, parents and teachers set the example which leads our children with purpose for a better world.
So, where do we go from here? Speeches and rhetoric can only go so far. Might I suggest we take a moment to simply play with our kids and remind ourselves not to get carried away with work or worries about tomorrow; for all we truly have is today. Let us not forget to praise and lead by example as the youth of our past becomes the driving force that challenges us to be good stewards of God’s creation; for life is the most precious gift we have and our children the seeds which grow from our undying devotion. Witt.
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