Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sing A New Song

For anyone who has tried, and failed, and gotten back up; life always provides a lesson. To anyone who has lost something precious, whether a loved one, a job, or a possession; there is a reason. And for anyone who works, and dreams, and keeps on living; there is a season. So I hope you enjoy a small slice of time from my lane of life's highway.

God Knows I Can

Woke up in silence
Woke up in chains
Getting up
To do it all over again
Only to go nowhere
Feeling the pains
Of getting older
But I'm young at heart
And that's all that matters
But there's something missing
Like an echo growing fainter
View from my rear mirror
Getting smaller
Life's simple things
Oh where did they go
Moments in time
When I knew you better
We went out together
To set the world on fire
Now the embers glow
A little less brighter
World a whole lot smaller
Than way back when
But I kept on dreaming
Child in me stopped screaming
For an answer to all life's problems
They just are
And we move on
From wherever we are
To a place we were meant to be
Here and now.

Here and now
Only time will tell
If love endures forever
Or it fades to ashes
Like an old camp fire
Here in my desire
To become more than I am
Just a man
And God knows I can.

Rain on a tin roof
Just more proof
That man and nature
Can make a beautiful thing
Music to my ears
No, it's not progress pounding away
It's just another heart beat
In rhythm together
Like two people
Who find each other
Through storm and strife
That's life
And faith goes hand in hand
Forever like you and me.

Here and now
Only time will tell
If love endures forever
Or it it fades to ashes
Like an old camp fire
Here in my desire
To become more than I am
Just a man
And God knows I can.

D.A. Wittler 17'

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