I am not ashamed to say I believe in the power of prayer or the God who saves. I pass on this message because I truly care and believe that our nation is being insidiously invaded from within. The communists of the Soviet Union outnumbered us with tanks, guns and troops and we still defeated them. The Nazis were well on their way to defeating Europe until we came along. The slave owners nearly tore us apart until the will of a praying man kept us together. The proof goes back to our founding that "With God all things are possible." Let us be true to that calling and pray like the lives of our children depend on it, which it really does. It is a time for spiritual warfare.
I do not advocate the burning of books, whatever they might infer or suggest because I know that even the Good Book can have its message twisted to serve whatever means man wishes to use against his fellow man. I do not advocate the harassment of innocent people because of what they choose to wear as a symbol of their faith and I certainly do not pray for harm to come to people who choose freely the idea of liberty and come to the home of the free and the land of the brave. It is in and through these things that led the poor, the tired, the homeless and the restless refuge of the world to seek opportunity in a place to claim as their own and a chance to prosper through hard work, determination and in the hope in their children’s future prosperity. I can say I share in the words of a man who stood at the chiseled image of a martyred leader who came to terms with his humanity and declared the captives free in spite of the suffering and death caused through conflict.
I believe in honor, dignity and the struggle to find personal integrity when all around is temptation, greed and the notion that no one individual can save the world for I know that it is true with God through the sacrifice of his only son. In fact, we are asked each day of our lives to put these very things in peril every time we dare to say a simple prayer in the name of Jesus Christ. Each time I ponder the image of a stranger standing beside the path to Jerusalem knowing full well the fate that awaits, I shudder to think what a weaker human being would have chosen if it had been any other than Christ himself. I wonder today my own destination and the path which leads to death and eternal life all at the same moment in time. What an awesome challenge to rise from slumber each morning and to know there is a way, truth and life in communion with a God who gives so much. May he make you consider your way and to change whatever lurks in the dark recesses of your soul that leads you astray. Amen.