Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Little Less Closer To Desperation

A Little Less Closer To Desperation

As I pondered
Choices made
Paths taken
Loves lost
Journeys ended
New ventures begun
I remembered,
My God forving
Then found myself
A little less closer to desperation.

A means to gain perspective
An accumulation of lessons
Not future destruction
Self knowledge
Like an open letter
To edit and revise
A work in progress
But never a place to linger for too long
To find oneself
A little less closer to desperation.

Waiting like a sunrise
Through an open door of darkness
Whether starry sky
Or cast in gray
Limitless array of possibility
But not to dwell upon
For one must live here and now
To find themselves
A little less closer to desperation.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Monday, May 9, 2016

Samaritan or Victim?

I had an experience over the weekend that troubled me a great deal until early this morning when I woke up from a sound sleep. Let it suffice to say that you can meet all kinds of people with all sorts of agendas on-line. Some are truly sincere while others appear to have alterior motives than mere friendship. To those true friends out there, thank you. And to those who are less than genuine, auf wiedersehen. From here on out I will be a little more discerning as a samaritan and not a victim.

A Trail of Tears

I met a woman
Along the way
Who carried so much loneliness
She carried it like a cross
And made it known how heavy it was.

I stopped amid my searching
To perhaps make a friend
Like that good Samaritan
Bind a wound or soothe her suffering
But when she looked up to me and said: "Hello good sir, do you know our Savior?"
I was stunned to hear her story
Though it was sad
I wondered why she questioned me
And so I shared my story too
Only to be condemned
For my lifelong following.

It seemed as though she was adept
Like some who wear their love upon a sleeve
At passing judgment through a holy name
But I remained
And listened attentively.

She said:
"Sir, I see you are a kind soul
For stopping by to care in my suffering, but would you mind
My witnessing?
Open your eyes and see
How you toil in your beliefs
For it is in every word that brings true salvation,
Not through idols and ointments?"

Well, my friends
I stood there most perplexed
As you can imagine
And wondered what to do next
As it appeared this good woman really did not seem to need my assistance at all.
It was like she saw me coming
From far off
And lay down to catch my curiosity
So that she could preach to me
The word I knew for many years
To be so different than what I had caught within my ears.
"The word," she said,
"Is our salvation
Put aside what others say
What tall towers you perceive
To be the truth proclaimed
Be put to shame for establishments
Of men and their heresies
Come, follow through my prophesy
For I have known suffering
And I know the true path you seek."

So then I listened
Perhaps a little begrudgingly
A story fraught with tears
Of men and hypocrisy
Abuse and sin so undeservedly
And came to this conclusion:

Some say they are forgiven
And forgive for past transgressions
But what they really mean
Their hearts cannot let go of
And so they turn to other explanations
Other means to save all nations
They turn away and hide in seclusion
Studying the word and trusting no one
Who would upset the tiny world they have created
Where once they lived and breathed
Albeit with pain and suffering
But now they choose to blame
And drown within their trail of tears
And carry another cross
To which Calvary I am not sure of.

D.A. Wittler 16'

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Walk A While

New found friends are like that proverbial "diamond in the rough," they make us realize how such a big world can be brough down to a much smaller space. But to meet two new friends on the same day, what a blessing indeed! That is exactly what happened to me today; even better when a long time friend popped up on a certain social media site to share a laugh. Laughter and friendship,what a trememndous gift on the day before Mother's Day as these three people are moms. I thought the whole idea was to be thankful and present gifts, not recieve them. In any case I wanted to share a new poem I wrote recently. When I started the process of composing the poem, I reached a snag and had to put it aside for a few days. I find it improtant to do so, especially when the idea fixates itself in such a way that it will not go away until it can be fully expressed. Well, wouldn't you know it the idea blossomed and I got more than I originally bargained for in this poem titled: Walk A While. It is a prime example of a big world coming down to size. Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Walk A While

Walk a while
In her shoes
On this path of life
A stone ridden mile
Beneath our feet
Where so many stumble
To learn what true love means.

To the one
Who smooths a sheet
Fluffs a pillow
Folds a crease
Wipes a brow
Steadies a shaking hand
Mounts a daily struggle
Of futility
Time takes a toll
True love endures forever.

Walk a mile
Then stay a while
Share a moment
A smile
Before you leave
And my spirit will remember
How you cared for me.

Walk a mile
In her heart
Feel the beat
As she tells you how she feels
Long days
Longer nights
Behind the wheel
Where does this journey lead
She pleads
Can you love me for real?

To the one
Who uses her
Ruffles the covers
Wrinkles the corners
Adds to her sorrow
Walk away
Find your own path
You had your chance
Love lives to see another day
You will never have her.

Walk a mile
Then stay a while
Share a moment
A smile
Before you leave
And my spirit will remember
How you cared for me.

D. A. Wittler 16'