I first want to apologize for bringing my sob story to the world wide web, but I have nothing better to do today other than surf the web looking for the most painless ways to end my pathetic life. Secondly, I want to share what I learned from some body who told me the secret to getting through the day is to stop thinking about the darkness and to focus on serving others; something I already know, but sometimes hearing it from another person's point of view makes it easier to digest and process in your mind.
I just keep seeing how this damn divorce is dragging on and on and how deep down inside I cannot bring myself to hate my soon to be ex-wife. I have driven down the darkest country road at midnight daring myself to pull into the path of a telephone pole, but something inside screams in my ear "NO!" I hate these mini anxiety attacks that hit me from out of the blue, but they usually subside very quickly which tells me there is hope. Maybe if I keep up the whole writing thing and share this agony with you, there might be a second chance in it for all the others who are walking the same path as I am.
Finally, as this beautiful Spring day continues to flood into this room and adds light to the darkness inhabiting my brain, I can see tomorrow looming in the distance inviting me or daring me to find a reason to keep on going in spite of it all. Well, I guess I can accept that for now and it sure beats reserching gun shows. I would never want to pass this darkness bug on to anyone else beacause it really is a nasty contagion, so I guess I'll give you the free version of the vaccine that helps keep the darkness at bay; they call it faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love. Christ spoke these words over two thousand years ago as he was plauged by visions of a horrible death on a cross. If that is not enough for a person to be encouraged to walk away from darkness, then I know of no greater way to finding happiness. Thank you for sharing my space today, you just may have saved a life. And so for today, this is not the end. God bless. -Witt
I just keep seeing how this damn divorce is dragging on and on and how deep down inside I cannot bring myself to hate my soon to be ex-wife. I have driven down the darkest country road at midnight daring myself to pull into the path of a telephone pole, but something inside screams in my ear "NO!" I hate these mini anxiety attacks that hit me from out of the blue, but they usually subside very quickly which tells me there is hope. Maybe if I keep up the whole writing thing and share this agony with you, there might be a second chance in it for all the others who are walking the same path as I am.
Finally, as this beautiful Spring day continues to flood into this room and adds light to the darkness inhabiting my brain, I can see tomorrow looming in the distance inviting me or daring me to find a reason to keep on going in spite of it all. Well, I guess I can accept that for now and it sure beats reserching gun shows. I would never want to pass this darkness bug on to anyone else beacause it really is a nasty contagion, so I guess I'll give you the free version of the vaccine that helps keep the darkness at bay; they call it faith, hope and love and the greatest of these is love. Christ spoke these words over two thousand years ago as he was plauged by visions of a horrible death on a cross. If that is not enough for a person to be encouraged to walk away from darkness, then I know of no greater way to finding happiness. Thank you for sharing my space today, you just may have saved a life. And so for today, this is not the end. God bless. -Witt