For lesser things I have devoted time and wasted talent. In my younger days I wondered aimlessly along an uncertain path, only to find nothing suitable to offer up as evidence of my worthiness of God’s grace. But as the years have passed and the hairs upon my head and face turned grey, I found a wisdom not my own. It speaks to me through eyes which strain to read a passage in small print, it settles in bones that on certain cold days creak with annoying regularity. It sinks in deep to warm my heart and soothes my troubled thoughts; it comforts me and eases my cares so that sleep can replenish my mortal flesh. I speak now in testimony of God’s love as a servant of his divinity.
Leave now the desert of your discontent. Seek the way which you have been witness to through the wonders of his creation. Listen to his song in the whispers of the wind through the forest trees. Be comforted in the gentle lapping of the stream as it overflows the earthen walls that contain it every other season of the year. Be glad in the hoof prints and traces of his earthly creatures. Delight in the mourning dove’s serenade at first light and rejoice, for you are of his divine making and privileged to understand as only his image can divulge.
Be of good will and pardon your neighbor. Forgive those who have offended as Christ forgave the repentant sinner. Ask only for the gifts which multiply his love and do not destroy. Pray for those who seek to do you harm. Allow his saving grace to deliver you from all evil. Become the image you were created to be at birth and let light filter in between the dark spaces of your life. Become a new creation and let all you have seen and done pass away as ashes from a distant flame. Acknowledge his presence every day as sunlight at dawn. And most of all, be not afraid, for Christ proclaimed, “I am with you until the end of time.”
Now that you have witnessed my words, know that I offer up a prayer that from this day on you will know his love and live in truth. That no matter the obstacle or worry you encounter along the way, God’s presence remains with and in you just as the diamond lies deep within the fertile soil. Let it shine in your heart so that in the end of time, you will realize the glory of eternal life. Allow its brilliance to spread new roots and produce the fruits that only love can yield upon a once barren landscape. May the stars guide you through the perils of the night and rain down upon you hope for the coming day. In all things, let meaning and strength carry you through life. Let no man or beast become your master as evil tempts the most devote of souls. Amen.
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