Monday, May 8, 2017

Title Me Please

A few thoughts:


Quiet child, lost child
Who dwells within
Out amongst the morning​ mist
Gathering in creation
Experiencing everything he can
And when time came
To get in line
He was nowhere to be found
But in the meadow playing.

And so the day came, and went
With no purpose given
Yet in service he did provide
A young man's offering
To God, and country
And in time was shown his loyalty
Determination, and fidelity
Yet no purpose still was found.

So, where to turn he reckoned
To seek love, and start a family
And so he prayed so fervently
Endured a secret suffering
On bended knee, and rosary in hand
Finally his longing granted.

Quiet child, lost child
Who dwells within
Enduring silent suffering
Kept his soul from wondering
As child's play had once been
Yet love withers when not given
All it needs to thrive
Yet children grow regardless
And time passes as a flowing stream
Leaving only memories in it's wake
Like rolling ripples over hidden rocks.

Day upon day he gathers moss
A man forever lost
Mind in field covered with frost
Waiting still for that special something
That never came
Yet he knows within his heart
That words tell a different tale
Quiet child, lost child
To God I sing
What does tomorrow bring?

D.A. Wittler 17'

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