A few thoughts: Our Valley Forge.
If you love history as I do, and even if it is not exactly your cup of tea, read about George Washington, especially about the bleakest days of the Revolutionary War.
Valley Forge saw the Continental Army encamped for the winter. They were freezing to death, starving, and on the verge of mutiny. The Continental Congress had seemingly forgotten them, and the sacrifices they had made for the cause of independence.
In the midst of this utter despair, General George Washington ventured out to the woods behind his winter lodgings. He took a knee, and bowed to his higher power to ask for the divine providence he so fervently believed would carry them to victory. He was out of options, and his back was against a wall of desperation.
It is written that the Mother of Jesus came to him in this dire hour. She called him "Son of the Republic" and reassured him that he would lead the way to victory.
I believe we are presently experiencing our own Valley Forge. A pandemic has kept us hunkered down as a January chill creeps into our bones. We are fighting wars abroad, and our national spirit wanes between extreme political ideology, moral, and ethical decay. Our government has put into question the trust we place upon its shoulders. So, what now?
I find myself bringing these concerns more, and more to a higher power as did George Washington. I hope in the cause of justice, and the healing of all our earthly ills so that we may weather the storm to experience a new Spring, and a brighter future for our Republic.
God bless!
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