Friday, May 26, 2017

Spring Weather Wonder

Bring On The Rain

Sometimes I wonder
And it's getting late
The sound of thunder
On a cloud filled night
Oh bring on the rain
Though my heart​ breaks again
I long to hear it
Running down the roof
On my window pane
Collecting in a gutter
Washing away the years
From a cluttered street
Where I have traveled
Weary and weak
Wishing and wanting
To share my defeat
With someone so caring
So close through the storm
That it no longer matters
As long as two souls meet.

Bring on the rain
A silent refrain
Left in a gutter
Pouring out into the fields
Where dreams are planted
And tears mingle
With triumph and pain
I'll start all over
When tomorrow comes
If you'll just remember
How I loved you then
And we'll part as friends
Forever wiser
Better than ever.

Water gathers
People head for higher ground
It's all about spring weather
When we awaken
From a long winter slumber
And we're ready to grow once more
Beyond our former selves
Bitter and self centered
Open and like minded
And God hears our prayers
When it rains
He answers
And morning appears
Brighter and in living color
Than we've ever seen.

Bring on the rain
A silent refrain
Left in a gutter
Pouring out into the fields
Where dreams are planted
And tears mingle
With triumph and pain
I'll start all over
When tomorrow comes
If you'll just remember
How I loved you then
And we'll part as friends
Forever wiser
Better than ever.

D.A. Wittler 17’

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Wood Smoke and Old Grapes


The hint of wood smoke
And old grapes
Returns this time of year
As Memorial Day draws near
Setting off remembrances
Like fireflies or sparklers
In my head
Gentle soul of a man I once knew
Who enjoyed his cigarettes
And Bohemian style brew
Walks out of darkness
Cracks a joke
Then disappears
Laughter still ringing in my ears
Sitting beside the old stove
Upon the walls
A treasure trove
Collected cans
Tigers pennant
Someone we all know
An average joe
Sits at the bar
Sips his beer
Tips his cap
As you come near
Then waits to tell you
Of that fateful year
When he left home
For the battlefield
Even if he spent it
Upon the quartermaster's chair.
And when he passed
I was there the day
He breathed his last
Autumn blush
On treeless leaves
Silent hush
A whirling breeze
Carried his soul aloft
To the sound of rifle fire
Folded flag
A wooden cross
Forever now with his Savior
Leaving behind
A silent tomb
Scar closed wound
In a garden of stone
With his brethren lost
But not forgotten
Of the cost
Of freedoms won
Yeah, we all know
A man named Joe
Here, or there
Still a Vet
And you can bet
He'll go again
If his country needs him to.

D.W. Wittler 17’

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Who Writes Letters Anymore?

Who Writes Letters Anymore

I was there
When you took your first breath
When my life changed forever
Son, and a brother
We were a growing family then
And I knew you would take the world by storm
The two of you together
One day in a cub scout uniform
The next in a tux
Going to your senior prom
Oh how I remember those days
When you needed me to tie your shoes
And mend those skinned up knees
But this is now
My world has gotten smaller
While yours has gotten bigger
We seem so far apart
But you'll always be in my heart
Son, I love you
Send it in a text
Because who writes letters anymore?

And here I go again
Power of a guilty conscience
Regret is a lonesome pleasure
So many get
When the memories come
Makes me wonder why
If only I knew then
What I know now
But I love you son
And that's all that matters.

Even though the nights stay long
I dream for you to be strong
Keep the faith my boys
You'll need it to keep you
When you've had a bad day
And answers don't come easy
Cause life is like that
You never know what your gonna get
But I'd make a bet
It won't keep you down
Cause I'll be prayin
In the silence of my room
For angels like your mother
To remain at your side
Think I'll send it in a text
Because who writes letters anymore?

And here I go again
Power of a guilty conscience
Regret is a lonesome pleasure
So many get
When the memories come
Makes me wonder why
If only I knew then
What I know now
But I love you son
And that's all that matters now
Take care
No text today
Because I still write letters.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Title Me Please

A few thoughts:


Quiet child, lost child
Who dwells within
Out amongst the morning​ mist
Gathering in creation
Experiencing everything he can
And when time came
To get in line
He was nowhere to be found
But in the meadow playing.

And so the day came, and went
With no purpose given
Yet in service he did provide
A young man's offering
To God, and country
And in time was shown his loyalty
Determination, and fidelity
Yet no purpose still was found.

So, where to turn he reckoned
To seek love, and start a family
And so he prayed so fervently
Endured a secret suffering
On bended knee, and rosary in hand
Finally his longing granted.

Quiet child, lost child
Who dwells within
Enduring silent suffering
Kept his soul from wondering
As child's play had once been
Yet love withers when not given
All it needs to thrive
Yet children grow regardless
And time passes as a flowing stream
Leaving only memories in it's wake
Like rolling ripples over hidden rocks.

Day upon day he gathers moss
A man forever lost
Mind in field covered with frost
Waiting still for that special something
That never came
Yet he knows within his heart
That words tell a different tale
Quiet child, lost child
To God I sing
What does tomorrow bring?

D.A. Wittler 17'

Friday, May 5, 2017

Under The Weather

A few thoughts: Spring is in the air; no, that's rain, head for the life boats friends cause the river is rising!
This time of year we look towards high school graduations, weddings, and the rebirth of nature. That stubborn north wind lingers while we anticipate outdoor adventures, and faith tells us that salvation, and hope are on the morning horizon. Working ground, planting seeds, and planning futures combine to fuel our confidence as warm summer nights fill our dreams like a mystical heaven. Puppies, dandelions, camp fires burn even brighter; our desires for happiness press us onwards in jubilant songs of seasons past as we know from experience what a change in the weather brings, while our perpetually​ turning earth has swayed in our favor once more.
And who remembers yesterday?  Forgotten treasures, pictures of a bygone era when our parents were young, and we mere children yet to know our first breath. It is destiny that brings us here today, and legacy which drives us forward in all it's splendor beyond the clouds of spring, and the rain which threatens to wash away our longings for warmer weather. Finally, let us not abandon ship like that fateful day in April, for our days of bliss are just around the corner.
God bless!