Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Optimist, Pessimist, or a Really Bad Joke

A few thoughts: To look on the brighter side of life. That was the theme of a song I heard in a Month Python film years ago. We so often follow false prophets on our journey in life. Some persue education as a means to a career, and financial security. Others follow a vocational path to enlightenment through a skilled trade, or ministry. And still some wonder the earth with no clear direction; they just experience life in all it's many facets, and like a diamond they feel the pressure that it takes to shape them into the most resilient natural substance on earth.
 Sometimes I feel like that humble lump of carbon buried in the ground. I began like any other human being as the component of human genes, chemical processes, and electrical impulses. Then I grew to know life experiences outside the protective shell of  creative promise. I came to realize that I had to make it on my own in a harsh environment where strength is prized, and weakness punished. I had to put my best foot forward to make ends meet, and succeed in life. Though I have many faults, and imperfections, I still strive to make sense of it all, and be aware of a higher sense of self.
 I see others struggling, and make excuses as to why they fail, and fail again while others play along. I too have failed, and continue on, but I have realized that I must take responsibility for my actions, and simply endure with the promise that one day I will see the end with glory knowing it was not all in vain.
And so, look on the bright side of life, or not, either way we get there with a glint of wisdom in our eyes, or with a touch of skepticism in our brains that says; "Yeah, I came, I saw, and even though the guy next to me seemed to get a free pass, I kept my cool, and saw it through." God bless all!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Blue Skies, and Rain

A few thoughts: Like me, a work in progress as always.
           Another Shade of Blue
Through a long winter night I wondered
Would it matter
If I longed to tell you all the things I wanted to reveal to you, and didn't?
Would it matter if I said I loved you so much more than before
Even though it seemed a million miles came between us?
My blue skies turned to grey
The day I left you
But all I knew then
Was that the world can change
Even though you never intentioned it
But sometimes choices get made
In spite of all you have done
And left unfulfilled
Like  pouring rain into a leaky bucket
It never reaches the brink of no return
Spilling over in waves of unrelenting love.
Rather, life just remains
And sorrow turns another shade of blue.
For years I listened
Gave answers to questions I never knew the answers to
But said what others expected to hear
I went along as I always did
Like walking camouflage
An outcast kid trying desperately to fit in
To a world that I did not understand
Yet wanted so much to be a part of
 Just to ease my solitude
But all I found was ineptitude
And life turned another shade of blue.
So here I am
Trying to put broken pieces
Back together again
Hoping you will understand
The odd man out in a crowded room
Becomes an enigma
Even social conveyance cannot  change
I am simply who I am
Another shade of blue.

D.A. Wittler 2/11/19