Thursday, August 20, 2020

Extraordinary Times

A few thoughts: Living in Extraordinary Times: 
Folks, we are indeed living in extraordinary times. I don't need to remind anyone of the current situation with the crisis in health, civil unrest, and of course politics. None of these are "business as usual" kinds of issues. The fact is the very fabric of our society, culture, and nation is at risk of being torn apart. And so I ask, search your heart, probe your mind, connect with the essence of your soul. Seek clarity, find wisdom, be courageous! Be attentive to God who tells us: "Be not afraid, for I am with you always."
We all know change is inevitable, but there are some things that are meant to stand the test of time. Our forefathers set in writing a vision, and foundation for generations to build upon certain inalienable rights, and freedoms. These come at no small price as we have seen much bloodshed, tears, sweat, and hard work to provide for our children, and so on. Let not your heart be troubled, stand United, speak your mind, and do not be fooled by temptations of hand outs by those who say they have your best interest at heart. The world offers order in the midst of choas, but let the faithful beware that freedom is not free, and the soul is not to be compromised by promises man cannot keep for his own sake. Our higher power asks only that we love one another, trust, and hope in the great I Am who leads all to life eternal! Keep the faith y'all, it is the one thing that will save us from the desires of the godless who wish to rule under one giant thumb.
D.A. Wittler 8/20/20