Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Something new to do instead of arts, and crafts.

(For Lisa)

 Fell asleep anxious
 In my rocker
 A while ago
 Wanting to hear
 Church bells toll
 Murmer of crickets
 Chirping a symphony
 My wounded soul.

Like I thought
It never came
Until I dreamed
Then I heard
An angel sing
Whispering a tune.

Then it came
A healing warm
In solitude form
Calmed the storm
And saved me
My wounded ego.

D.A. Wittler 9/12/18

Friday, September 7, 2018

Being Found

A man went walking the woods one day, and got lost. He didn't know which way to go, or if there would be anyone there when he reached his destination. Then out of the blue sky there appeared a heavenly view, and he found his way home.
Safe, and sound in the warmth of his bed he prayed a tune of thanksgiving, and the world became brand new. For the first time he could grasp the meaning of his life, and it was full of love. And so the man longed for the simple things from his childhood like playing in the neighborhood, sleeping underneath the stars at night, and the crystal clear waters of a summer day.
From then on he held true to his passion in life, and it was good... How it ends is up to you, reach for the highest mountain, and the deepest sea will swallow you.
My story is one about a stray. Like a dog kicked to the curb without a home I wondered alone. I lost my way when times went bad, and there was only one hope left out on the open road. I followed my instincts, my keen sense of smell drove me onward to find love once again. The world I knew became so indifferent, a cruel memory, and so I clung to the only thing I knew.
 Back in the day I was cared for, lacked for nothing, but a father's love. And so I journeyed beyond it to find a place all my own. But in the long run, I was just running away from home. It took many years to build up a safe place away from the storms of life, and the sense of no direction haunting my bones. But there was love, and children, and a new way of living that told me I was no longer a stray, but a man with a purpose. In time though, even that dream died.
Today is a new day with a new song, and I sing it for you. I have learned so many new things along the way to carry me home.
I have found hope, and a father's love in the one place I wondered away from, and it is  here with you.  And so I reflect on the journey every day, and I stay close to gratitude because it shows me that love never dies, never gives up, or kicks you to the curb like a stray in the street. Love is a forever home, and faith a lasting shelter from the storm. But sometimes it takes lightning to wake you up to the possibility of hope beyond hope. And so my journey continues for another day in the light of a beautiful tomorrow with hopes, and promises beyond my wildest dreams.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Forged In Thought

A few thoughts: Labor day weekend.


A sword is forged in fire, and sheathed in leather or some other form of material to protect it from being dulled until it is either raised in tribute or weilded in battle. A child cries at birth to signify a dual right of passage from the warmth of its mother's womb, and clear it's lungs for life completely on its own. Life is like that, and it takes challenges for us to see things from different angles, and perspectives. Looking up from the base of a mountain is not the same as the view from atop a highest peak. Horses adjust their stride from a cantor to a gallop just as an eagle soars then dives upon an unsuspecting prey. The purpose for these changes is either a destination, a lesson, or a need being fulfilled. It is all in how we go about them that makes a difference.
Anger, when viewed as vengeance yields more anger when in reality it is hurt turned inside out. Fear, when seen as weakess makes a coward out of a hero, yet when used as fuel for selfless preservation committs acts of tremendous bravery when shared to save another. So what is the lesson, the destination, and the need being fulfilled today as we question life in all it's wonders, and perils? It is perspective. Are we seeing life as hapless victims, or as opportunities to go beyond our known world? Are we seeking wisdom, or retreating into the comfort of our isolation from the world? And what are the consequences of our actions, for even in doing nothing we do something; it is our choices that determine the outcome. We can be forged in the fire of our hearts, limited by the narrow view of our emotional state, or moved to go further than we thought ever possible by the proposition of being more than just ourselves in a sea of humanity.

D.A. Wittler 9/3/18