Thursday, May 24, 2012


“My book should smell of pines and resound with the hum of insects.” Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote these words in his essay on Self Reliance in 1841. And so today I seek the words to describe to you the world in which I see and hear each day. I take to heart the advice of Pope Benedict XVI who commented on the power of silence as a means to experience the loving presence of God. My hands tremble as I place my trust in him who inspired creation and speaks to each of us through nature itself. Thoughts return to last evening as I gazed up into a field of twinkling stars and watched the flashing strobes of passing aircraft overhead and the silent flicker of man made objects orbiting this earth teaming with life. I recall the crescent moon emerging from darkness and how hope filled my soul.

As you can see, colorful images paint the canvass of my mind as letters converge to form the words so many authors, theologians and mystics have used to describe the spirit of things that exist all around us. I invite you to take a few moments out of your busy day to sit in quiet and allow silence to speak to a deeper side of you. Though there is no perfect silence except that of the grave, I suggest filtering out the common sounds you hear by allowing them to melt into the beauty of a back yard scene or one in which you alone conjure with closed eyes and pure imagination. Hear the wind through pine needles or maple leaves and breathe deep to fill the recesses of your body and soul. Allow this to speak to you… Now you know the meaning of contemplation.

Today is the day you become a new creation. With a sense of renewal of purpose, awareness of God’s presence and the power of nature at your disposal, live with integrity and the knowledge that today is all you have in which you can make a difference. Yesterday is past, tomorrow lies yet ahead, but the here and now is all that matters. Live free, pray unceasingly and know the love of God surrounds you. Amen

Enjoy the video!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Nature of Mercy

Let those who have no sin cast the first stone. I know the law is the law and standards of conduct are established to protect the innocent and preserve order, but we are also given a standard to forgive which comes from the highest authority. My hope is that people choose to serve others over the temptation to serve themselves. Lapses in judgment occur just as surely as acts of kindness. Who can weigh the good and bad and judge by how many good deeds are outweighed by one bad? We are not brought up in the Christian faith to keep a balance sheet of our offenses, but to do good deeds and forgive when the situation arises.

A disciple asked Jesus: "Lord, how many times are we to forgive." And his answer was: "Seventy times seven." How else are we to interpret the meaning if we are not prepared to practice what we believe? I know that in reality the law often times is prepared to make an example of those who have chosen a higher calling and fail in some manner, but then I hope prayer counts for something as well and that redemption prevails over punishment when the situation allows for it. I also know that some offenses are not to be tolerated, but humanity has been given the capacity to distinguish the gray areas that often time come about. Zero tolerance policies and an unflinching judicial system that is void of compassion ultimately brings tyranny to the ranks of freedom loving societies. My hope is that love prevails and that second chances are offered as a form of redeeming grace. To follow in our Father’s footsteps through his son Jesus is after all the ultimate act of discipleship.

Go in peace my friends and do not forget to utilize the gifts of the spirit each day of your lives. As Wordsworth noted in his poem Expostulation and Reply:

"The eye—it cannot choose but see;

We cannot bid the ear be still;

Our bodies feel, where'er they be,

Against or with our will.

"Nor less I deem that there are Powers

Which of themselves our minds impress;

That we can feed this mind of ours

In a wise passiveness.

"Think you, 'mid all this mighty sum

Of things for ever speaking,

That nothing of itself will come,

But we must still be seeking?

"—Then ask not wherefore, here, alone,

Conversing as I may,

I sit upon this old grey stone,

And dream my time away,"

And so we learn that not all can be learned in books such as the law provides, but that our better nature speaks to us and let not harsh judgment rid us of our Christian legacy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Golden Ticket

I remember some years ago when the original film “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” came out. There was a song in the film entitled “I’ve Got a Golden Ticket” that was sung by the actor who played the grandpa Joe character. Charlie Bucket was a poor kid whose family lived together in a run down old house. One day he found a dollar bill along the street and went in to a candy store to buy a chocolate bar. When a golden ticket appeared inside the wrapper, Charlie was so thrilled that he ran home to tell his family and his grandpa Joe  broke into song because this meant that Charlie was to be one of only a select few children to visit the famed Wonka candy factory. I wonder about this scene and how it is like faith. We place so much value on things that we believe will make our lives better or happier, yet faith is about more than just a chance encounter with luck, it is a life long journey.

Last night I went outside and gazed at a sky full of stars and realized I had to do something that would change my life. Instead of always settling for whatever job came along to just get by in order to pay bills, have a home and raise children; I had to make a bold move. I knew that by standing still and doing nothing or putting my faith in something or someone else’s hands that all I could expect was more of the same old thing I have gotten my whole life, which is struggle and disappointment. In effect, I have to be my own golden ticket! God gives us all the potential we need if we just invest in a little faith that he can bring to us whatever it is that we ask for. I want to be more than the sum of my parts scratching out a living in some low wage job feeling like I will never get ahead. I have too much invested in my marriage and kid’s lives to settle for less when God offers so much more.

All of us can be more, do more and strive for a better life if we put ourselves out there and dare to be a person of faith. A golden ticket is more than a dream or hope that comes by chance; it is within our grasp if we believe that “With God all things are possible.” As the sun now rises high towards the afternoon sky, I pray that you will find your golden ticket within and strive to be more than the image you see staring back in the mirror. And so, enjoy the show below…Witt

Monday, May 14, 2012

Immersed in the Spirit

We hear so much today about reducing stress and how to manage time, finances, our weight and the bad habits that we as Americans have become known for, but I believe we are at odds with ourselves on  personal, spiritual, political and social levels. Traditionally, the United States was founded on religious and personall freedoms. The term liberty was used to describe every person's right under the watchful eyes of a loving God. Today, this vision has been blurred by the liberalization of morals and values long established throughout our primarily Judeo-Christian history. With the advent of a socially responsible state and federal government, the concept of "anything goes" has replaced these standards. So, how do we get back to basics and deal with the stresses of the twenty first century? Some would say "let go and let God" while others point fingers and blame one side or the other that the world is going down the tubes. I would suggest that we all look inward and then realize that we are not alone unless we choose to be. I would suggest a concept like becoming immersed in the spirit.
Imagine for a moment that you are looking out upon a dry and desolate place where the sun beats down in a relentless barrage of heat and there is no shelter for miles all around. Like a rock you have become hardened over a lifetime of stress; sharp edges and a gritty surface protect you from seeing beneath the reality of the landscape. Now, imagine a stream of water bubbling out from beneath the ground and watch it spread out and begin transforming the desolation into a wooded forest. Trees, plants and animals begin to appear and drink from the stream and the water rises to completely cover you. You can feel the flow of coolness begin to smooth out the rough edges and gritty surface that has defined you through countless years. You now realize a presence that is not new but was lost long ago. Now, picture yourself being lifted out from beneath the stream and realize that you are now smooth and rounded; though still a rock, you have become a new creation. Instead of being a force against the flow, you are now a part of the process that feeds life down stream. At any time you can choose to be a part of this natural process or return to the desert. What will you decide?
Now, take a deep breath and realize that at any time during the day you can immerse yourself in a higher power that replenishes what life seems to steal away through stress and anxiety. Emmanuel, "God is with us" resounds in my mind as I pray that you too will realize the gifts of the spirit. Now, put your thumb, index and middle fingers together and touch your forehead. Move them down towards your chest, across to your right side and then to your left saying to yourself: "I am mind, body and spirit." Congratulations, you have called upon a power that is not only within you, but all around you as well! The trick is to take a moment every day to get in touch with this realization. And as you practice this, bring your cares, concerns and anxiety to him who feeds the stream and let it flow out to those who need the coolness and repose of a loving presence in their lives just like you. God is with you; let him in!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Limited Edition

As you will see, another work in progress. Enjoy-Witt

I have seen a lot and heard so much more
about how the world is coming apart at the seams
If the 2012 predictions come true.

Well, I don’t know about you,
but they would have called me a limited edition kid
way back in school.
Cause I fell behind, did not have a clue
about the three R’s or the social condition;
conventional wisdom set me apart,
but they could not see my heart.

Limited edition.
Right from the beginning;
You and I are special human beings
Relying on each other,
Working in harmony,
to the beat of a living savior;
Speaking from the mount;
We must shout
about how the world should be,
but so many do not see.

What’s a parent to do?
when your kid is so smart,
but has no common sense,
or so it seems;
just another sign of the times
while I sit here making rhymes
about the end of the world.

Limited edition
Right from the beginning
You and I are special human beings
Relying on each other,
Working in harmony,
to the beat of a living savior;
Speaking from the mount;
We must shout
about how the world should be,
but so many do not see.

It’s been a lot of years
lessons learned and so many tears;
But they say there is a reason,
a season for everything under heaven
and I believe it’s true;
What are we without a little faith?
conventional relations,
and values to get us through.

So now I beg your pardon;
rebellion is my middle name,
cause I question everything;
Nothing is as it appears,
the corporate mentality
and political correctness
breeds distrust and hypocrisy.

Limited edition
Right from the beginning
You and I are special human beings
Relying on each other
Working in harmony
to the beat of a living savior;
Speaking from the mount;
We must shout,
about how the world should be,
but so many do not see.

It’s been a lot of years
lessons learned and so many tears;
But they say there is a reason;
If only I had a vision;
the words and mission
to bring peace to our world.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Stranger to Myself

Times have been tough these past few years and there is no sign in sight that they will change. I have been down sized, laid off, taken pay cuts and had hours reduced and been terminated, disrespected, humiliated and labeled. Now, the only way I get noticed is by AARP for a membership. No retirement, no savings, no future and no job but scrubbing floors two days a week. What a life!
Well, I could just sit back and call it quits, but I know there is a reason for everything because my faith says so. Even Job knew that no matter what God would provide. Why should I believe otherwise? The crux of the matter seems to be that sometimes I feel like a stranger to myself. I have come a long way from a shy kid to where I am today. I prayed long and hard for a good woman to come into my life and for a family. What more could a man ask for, right? I never asked for a fortune, a particular career or that I would never have to suffer hardship in my life. I always knew there would be tough times, but I never thought it would last twenty years. All I can do is pray that things will change for the better and that I can do something about it in the mean time. Overcoming a lifetime of failure is a hard burden to carry, but God knows I am ready for the light of day to shine and for brighter days to come. What else do I have to go on? God bless. Witt