Sunday, October 10, 2021

Friday 4:30 a.m..

So, it's 4:30 in the morning. I can't sleep, the dogs think it's time to get up. The rain begins tapping on the roof outside. Another day has begun even though the sun has yet to rise. Yes, I'm tired, wore out, and fighting off the urge not to go to work this morning. I've given my 110% for the week, but I know it is not enough. I pray daily, the Lord listens, but only answers in his own mysterious ways. Even though I believe with all my heart, and soul, it is not enough, and I struggle to think of stepping foot back into that stifling space called church where I sat in silence crying out for help. I have given, and recieved many times over, yet the world continues to get worse, and worse, but there is hope in love, and kindness if we hold steadfast to the notion we can all still make a difference. If you find solace in a place of worship, God bless you. If you find hope in continuing the breakneck pace of work, work, work, God love you. But if you are like me, you just want to get off this crazy Merry go round, and find a little peace, and happiness without all the hatred, mandates, betrayal, and tyranny unfolding in front of your eyes. God help us because he has obviously left it up to us to make the right choices if the world is ever going to  see paradise ever again.
Good day, and good luck; as if luck exists at all any more.
A tired aging man

D.A. Wittler 10/8/21

The Unwinding

Maybe I think too much.
Maybe I'm too sentimental, or emotional.
Perhaps it's time to simply fade into the background.
The games people play,
Especially when the grass is seemingly greener on the neighbor's back lawn
When in reality their own lives are simply not satisfying.
But we still have choices about our attitudes, and our beliefs.
Though it gets more difficult to go into work each day knowing that in spite of all the effort, it means nothing; only numbers add up, not the toll on human lives.
The world turns in such a subtle way
We don't even notice.
We mark time by the rising, and setting of the sun.
A clock ticks away the hours.
We pull up the chains each week to hear the chiming of the towers,
The waning moments of our unwinding spring.
Yes, perhaps I am right
And they say "ignorance is bliss."
Well, I wonder.

Good day!

D.A. Wittler 10/10/21

Saturday, October 2, 2021

One Day at a Time

One Day At A Time

They say:

"Don't look back"

What has passed is past

Old wounds become scars

But noone sees the hurt inside

Like the day you went away Dad

I held your hand Mom

It didn't seem real

I didn't know how to feel

But I remember…

One Day At A time Dad

Until we meet again Mom

Memories are all we have

Until the end.

A song bird sings

It brings the mornings in

Every, every, every day

Holding you near to me

Never thought I'd feel this way again

All my life has led to now

The only thing we have…

One Day at a time Dad

Until we meet again Mom

When you went away Dad

I held your hand Mom

It didn't seem real

I didn't know how to feel

But I remember…

Memories are all we have

Until the end.

Oh every, every, every day

Holding you near to me

I learned how to feel again

Through a songbird's song…

One Day at a time Dad

Until we meet again Mom

It didn't seem real

I didn't know how to feel

Memories, mysteries

Folding time into one

What has passed is past

Old wounds become scars

And you are home Dad

Into the sunset Mom

I long to hear that songbird again

Memories are all we have

Until the end of time

Ohhh time

One Day at a time.

D.A. Wittler 6/9/21