Saturday, September 7, 2024

Memory Verse 2012

I pulled out a box of my writing this morning. On top of the pile of journals and sundry scraps of paper meant for inspiration, I found this little gem from 2012. Facing a marriage at it's end I toiled in silence; my forever friend. 

Heart of despair
Soul of yearning
Mind muttled in confusion. 

Silence calls
Offering opportunity 
Solitude answers
"Peace and patience my friend."

D.A. Wittler 12/16/2012

I wonder what else I will rediscover in this box of treasures. Though time passes and memory fades, the emotions remain as fresh as new fallen snow; prestine yet confined to a past I once lived. And I ask myself "Who was that younger man I once vaugley knew, and this older man Who persues a path of truth?"