Saturday, June 6, 2015

In A Moment We Percieve

German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (pronounced gurt-tuh) wrote: "Thinking is easy, acting is difficult, and to put one's thoughts into action is the most difficult thing in the world." How profound this statement in life, especially mine in regards to writing. But as I consider what to write today, my mind is suddenly flooded with ideas. And this brings me to my oldest son who recently graduted from high school. For the first time in his life the prospect of "making a living" has emerged as he plans to attend college in the Fall. My hope for him is that he learns the harsh reality we all must face at some juncture and yet envision the rewards of hard work as well. There is a certian satisfaction that comes with a first paycheck; that knowing you have "earned" your way in the world. For there is no greater awakening than to labor in toil and see the results of one's own efforts. To this end I focus my thoughts and prayers on this day.

In a moment we percieve the wonders of the world and feel the sting of reality. Unfortunately,the paradoxes in life teach us opportunity and the cost of applying a thought to an intended outcome. Noone knows for sure if a path taken will produce a favorable result as variables come into play along the way. Sometimes the most well laid plans turn against us and we fail, but it is the prospect of successs that must pick us up and put us back on the path to achieving what we desire. And then again there are sometimes unforeseen circumstances that turn out in favor of someone else and not our own. It is then that humility must bind our wounded ego and we must begin again. I do not know why, but I have been on this road so many times that it seems I fail more than I succeed, but that is part of the cost that must be realized. Many a successful person will tell you that failier comes more than not, but it is that one positive result which makes all the difference.

And so, by what measure do we justify cost and outcome? This my friend is where faith and the virtue of perseverance play a vital role. It is not always balance but imblance which keeps us going. Some would say that it is the stress of pushing forward that motivates us and gets us over the top. A true statement if you consider what would have happened on D-Day seventy-one years ago. On the beaches of Normandy France, sirred by the spill of blood and death, the course of history was altered in favor of world peace. Now, wars have come and gone since then and it continues on today, but consider what the world would look like if no human being came to the rescue of a neighbor in peril or stepped in to preserve a way of life overcome by tyranny? I digress. My point is that anything worth having is worth fighting for which is why earning a living is worth the daily effort it takes to be successful. As time passes we all die a little each day like the hour glass, yet just passing time is a waste. There is true value in vision, action and going the distance to realize a favorable conclusion. The cost may be heavy as the weight of lead upon your shoulders, but there is gold at the end of the rainbow. Peace. Witt

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