Sunday, April 23, 2023

Reflections of A Life Lived

A Few Thoughts: A Present Reflection of a Life Lived; The Promises of Faith, and the Power of Patience. 

(A journaling experience)

Dear Journal,

Here I am again recording thoughts. I am rested; though my body aches, my heart is full, and faith is strong.

I contemplate mystery, honesty, forgiveness,....   and what it means to be present. The Chinese recognize 2022 as The Year of the Tiger, of which I am privy to. The stars consider me a lion. Whether it means anything or not I do not know, but I do not put my faith in stars, but in a God who put them there to light the heavens. They remind me not only of the vastness of space, but also of the limitless possibilities of faith.

I struggle with our relationship; God in heaven, as man, and true friend sitting beside me as I travel down this road of life. My childhood image of Him detracts from the infinite being reflected in all things, and places simultaneously. I see His son as man talking the talk, and walking the walk; inspiring apostles, intriguing learned men of his day, and being the ultimate sacrifice for all sinful souls. For this I am grateful, resilient, and determined to live as a whole person. I love more now than I ever thought possible. I am a creation in His own image, a son, brother, father, friend, and husband to a true, and soulful partner.

I have lived many lives it seems. Coming from humble beginnings, small town values, and a Boy Scout's code of honor. I was a soldier once, not like the heroes revered from history, present day, or the Veterans I have listened to over a cold bottle of brew. Sure, I had visions once of heroism in my head, but being a part of the team was always my broader vision of service. Victory is achieved when everyone contributes to the end game of a successful campaign. 

I was a reluctant leader once; afraid of not having the answers when others depended on me, or that I would fail to set the right example when others needed my expertise to get the job done. What I have found is that leadership us much like the Serenity Prayer, especially in its opening words:

 "God grant me Serenity do accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference."

And so I would add one more thing: Patience to allow others to see the potential in themselves. 

Amen, and God Bless!

D.A. Wittler 2/26/22

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