Thursday, December 24, 2015

Life In Review

In these final days and hours of another year, I sit putting past issues in perspective. Like a nightmare realm I can see them but the feelings have become a dull series of hunger pangs in the pit of my stomach. So many missed opportunities, so many times I failed to recognize my own stupidity and let love pass away as golden treasure lost at sea in a storm of self pity. But faith says something more as these are but times and trials meant to strengthen, not destroy. Life affords many paths and byways to lead us to the truth if we are open to them. And like many who came before us; failure, pride, and passion are all mere factors in a grand equation. Here now, I share my thoughts that until now were but obscure visions of a seemingly troubled pastlife. As I have found, they are what built me up like steel in a human tower of humility before an awesome God who always forgives and leads us to his heavenly bounty. You will note the overtones to Simon and Garfunkles "Sound of Silence" in which this post is dedicated. Take care and have a blessed Christmas and happiest of New Years! Witt

Silent Shadow

No greeting here in shadow
Time for me is short and shallow
No cause more important than my own
To ease the pain in silence grown
From years ago where my father labored
Is revealed
In echoes from my childhood.

In reality I strode alone
On cold and wet cobblestone
After a long night of drinking
Aftermath in a haze got me thinking
Why abuse a youthful life?
This storm and strife
Haunts me like a dream from yesterday.

And in morning light it came
Forgiveness in a flurry, a savior's name
But I could not see past the cold and wind
As I turned my face to hide in shame
Trying to forget what I had done
Play the game
In camouflage tomorrow.

So I sat before the voice of reason
Swallowed hard my act of self treason
Committed in smoke and shadow
Along with comrades who follow
Like sheep before the shearing
In deceit
We remained in shadow.

And today I kneel in search of grace
A father's love, a kind embrace
Sharing a moment like a treasure
Only in a reserved manner
In covert overtones
Our disgrace
In silent shadow.

- D.A. Wittler 15'

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