Monday, November 21, 2016

I Knew A Young Man

A Few Thoughts: I knew a young man once who impressed me as bright, intelligent, and mature. He could pen a story that would capture your imagination, and he could carry on a good coherent conversational. And then he grew up, pursued an education, found a profession, or two, and settled in to life as a cynical, bitter, and angry idealist.
One thing I have learned about life is that you must feed the soul. Like a garden it needs nurturing, water, and sunshine to grow. If left unattended, it will wither on the vine, and die. The problem with putting your faith in the idealism of the world is that human nature takes over. The choice becomes  whether you want to live like the human animal or the human being. The human animal simply responds to stimuli in its environment whereas the human being resorts to the soul to discern where to go. Like Steve Rogers, ninety pound weakling, or Captain America, super hero. As for me, I prefer the super hero standing on the ground of faith than cowering on the fiction of a world gone mad.
God bless.

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