Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Lessons From Life

To begin a conversation we must find a line of interest that engages another human being; we call it communication. If we speak too softly, no one will hear, if we speak too boldly, we annoy, but if we do not say anything at all, we fail.

And so I ask myself each time I wish to speak, and hesitate, why? Is it fear, or a feeling of uneasiness that causes my tongue to yield before I leap? But when it comes to mere words upon a page, I have no trouble communicating how I feel, but oh how I long to hear a voice, and see a face, and feel the touch of another's kind embrace. And so I share a part of what I experienced recently through words, and images upon a screen, and what was revealed. Enjoy.

Somewhere In The Middle

In life
Death never deals
Time never steals
Love never betrays
It always stays
In all things
In all ways
And reveals
Our secret sufferings
So it is
People must deal
People waste time
Denying love
Resisting happiness
But in the aftermath
They must find
A second nature
What is learned
Why we live
How we continue
For death will come
Time will call
And love will show the way
Somewhere in the middle.

D.A. Wittler 17'

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